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Recent TestimonialsThese are selected from the numerous ones we have received. A good way to understand these statistically is that for each person who expresses their feelings in these ways, there are at least an additional 1000 people, times the number of stations we are broadcasting on who feel the same way. So, if donations received allowed us to pay for 10 radio stations, each testimonial below represents at least 10,000 people feeling the same way on the given date.I just want to let you know that around I believe it was 2014-15 I would listen to you on the radio a lot and God used you to unwrap 30 years of Armenian teaching that kept me living in fear before God. I'm at rest now with Jesus and I thank you.11/30/24 Unknown Location I have spent the greater part of my 73 years striving to be a better person, but after listening to your program on Ephesians 2:10 everything has changed. For years, I believed that I was saved by grace and sustained by works, and I just didn't have the works. But while listening to your program, and reading along in my Bible, the passage "For we are His workmanship" leaped off the page and into my heart. I now know that we are saved and sustained by grace and can now have a real relationship with my God. 11/12/24 Allen, TX I want to share a little of my story. Some years back while guest speaking at a church, a couple of young men pulled me aside after the service and told me about the Forgiveness series with Living God Ministries’ podcast. Didn’t think much about it at the time but gave it a listen a week or so later. I have had different times when I was kind of down about full-time ministry/being a preacher/staff member and all the politics and social games that it often is about. At different times over the years, it seemed God put someone in front of me with what was needed to get past those moments and move on into some kind of greater freedom or grace. When those who guys gave me that podcast, I had no idea how God would use that to change my life. I had heard Aaron mention, at different times, that at some point you realize that the good news is more than “going to church” and doing enough good/avoiding bad and that so much of religion is not that, at all. I remember it being mentioned that there were likely people who were in the ministry who knew that, at some point, you couldn’t ride the fence anymore and that it might cost you dearly to step away from a lie. I struggled against that a lot for several years, trying to keep on making it work, and finally, walked away from the church I’d worked at for 34+ years at the end of January this year. It’s been gut wrenching to step out in faith and trust God - figuring out how to get money, how to do life with a different identity, and, how to be a believer not dependent on “church” as an organization, easy money, and identity giver. It’s been very puzzling to the people who are part of the church I left. Most have such puzzled looks on their face at the idea of having your walk with God wrapped up in a building, a worship service, and not "working hard for grace”. Deconstruction is the closed term that I think most of them could grasp, but that doesn’t even come close to the difference. Finding other believers is a challenge, especially when what they want to talk about is “Why did you leave your church?” or “What church will you join now?”. And I’m learning to listen to God and just be with him and his Spirit and not need to have answers for everyone or need to have a “church plan” that can reassure people around me. I still don’t know all the answers, but I do trust and depend on God. I have to. And that’s been such a gift. He’s used this process to strip away SO many things I didn’t know I was leaning into and showing me there’s more to anticipate. 11/12/24 Maumelle, AR KCBC has been my go to radio station for many years as a seminary grad, former pastor and follower of Christ since 1976. And it was on your station while i was working in Jackson, CA back on 9/27/2017 that I first heard Aaron Budjen speaking on 1 John 1:9 and referring to a professor of Greek from Dallas Theological seminary where I attended, Dr John Best, who interpreted that verse in a way I finally understood and applied on that very day almost 7 years ago. Since then I have listened to almost every podcast and radio program Aaron has produced. And we have supported him, sent mandarins to his family in CO and been in contact thru letter and email. My point is this, that you are to be commended for your bravery and courage (Joshua 1:9) in having this brother present a not so common message of freedom from sin and the total forgiveness of Christ at the cross. I know this message is contrary to many if not all of your other big-name pastors and teachers on the air, be that as it may. 10/16/24 Central California I have to say thank you for your teaching. I am currently going through your podcast on the book of Ephesians, and it's a blessing, I can't stop listening. About seven years ago a friend I attended a bible study with recommended this ministry, he shared how much he is learning from your ministry. When I went to listen, I found the material so boring it put me to sleep; I could not understand it. It felt like I was being taught some strange Jewish religion, especially because my friend xxxx said this was by a person who had some Jewish connection. Now I know something has changed in me because it's the same teaching but I cannot put it down, the same bible I could not understand now I cannot stop learning from. I no longer look back to something that I did or that happened to me but to what God did in sending his son to die on the cross as payment for my sins so that I may receive life by his spirit indwelling me. 10/15/24 Austin, TX I am so glad God brought me here to you, otherwise I might have spent my entire life worrying about sins instead of getting to know Him, thank you for the work you do 10/02/24 Phoenix, AZ Thank you for all your messages in Ephesians. They have really and truly benefited me abundantly without a doubt in growing spirtually and in my personal relationship with my God. Thank you so much for showing me what is real and what is not. May you continue the good work that the Lord has given you to do so that this generation as well as future ones will benefit from them. 09/30/24 La Canada Flintridge, CA In accepting many truths that Aaron talks of in this message. I have finally been able to enter the rest I've been hearing him talk about ever since I first started listening to him back in November of 2021. Although things around me are more challenging and a lot harder. I've never felt more at peace and without fear. It's true the Lord's yoke is easy and not burdensome. Seek truth, accept truth, and walk in His truth that he generously reveals to you, and you'll be set free. Thank you Aaron. 09/26/24 Georgetown, TX I heard about you listening to preaching (don’t remember who) on Youtube several months ago. Somebody mentioned you in the comments and I found you with an internet search. This person said they attended your church in the past. I’ve got to tell you, I’ve never heard teaching like yours before. It is AMAZING!! I’ve listened to the Trinity series, the Tithing series, just finished the Baptism series. You expose so much of modern mainstream beliefs. My last horror show was attending a Calvinist church during the plandemic. I quit when the pastor took the jab. I listened to your explanation of Ephesians 1. Brilliant!! I am not well versed in the Bible because I could never find decent teaching after searching for many years. I think your Baptism and Tithing series sheds the most light on what most of us don’t have and that is the Jewish history behind why these things came to be. No one teaches these things. No one asks. I appreciate your work and am donating because it’s so important that you continue to teach the truth. 08/22/24 Palmyra, VA I'm gonna be honest with you. I heard about you in prison. I listened to you on the radio. Your teachings were so phenomenal to me I was blessed to listen to you right before dinner. I got out and the Christian life outside of prison was such chaos. And now I am back. The Lord has been so graceful and merciful to me. And blessed me with your teachings. Thank you so much. God bless you. 08/21/24 Unknown Location I have been so changed in heart, in listening to the words God has spoken through you. Thanks to God for what He has done, and thank you for speaking it. My relationship with God is so much closer and intimate and He continues to help me grow in understanding now, with this better foundation with Him. 08/20/24 Bunn, NC Thank you for the hard work that you put in to produce, and present such excellent content. It has truly made a significant impact in my life, and has greatly contributed to getting to know my God. I pray that more people will tune in to your programs, as they become more available, and result in souls being saved, and lives changed. 08/17/24 Orlando, FL Thank you for saying yes to God and taking the leap with Living God Ministries. I've been learning from you for 17 years!! God has led me in a completely opposite direction from what my parents, the world, the enemy laid out before me. And I could not be happier. I've entered His inner circle. I know Him and love Him better than anyone, and I can't wait to spend eternity with my God! 08/13/24 Colorado Springs, CO I have emailed you from time to time asking questions and requesting clarification of certain things you taught. I have been a Christian since approx 1994 albeit confused and rebellious most of that time but always seeking. I want you to know that your influence through radio archives primarily has been An incredible blessing to me. The struggle of ongoing sin in my life and how to deal with it is now clear to me; at least in comparison to old way of thinking. The freedom I am experiencing, the relationship with my God, the peace and rest knowing he has already given me all things is increasingly with me. 07/30/24 Kerrville, TX I live in the metro Detroit area and found your program while listening to 1200am a few years ago. Since then I've visited/listen to your programs through the livinggodministries website. I listen to your programs everyday on the way to work and when I have the opportunity, at home. I've always wanted to email you and thank you for what you teach, but felt especially compelled after listening to your work on Romans Message 51 Chapter 8:9-17 Do Not Be Afraid. Your teachings of living by the Old Law versus the new and eternal covenant of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross for the forgiveness of sins has really helped to give peace in my heart. I am no saint by any means, but I've always felt my sins (past/present/future) were/would always be held against me. I knew deep down I would never be able to live a sin free life and did not know how to come to terms with that fact. Your teachings helped me realize that I was not the only one who felt this way. Further, your teachings helped me understand the true significance of Jesus' death and the forgiveness of sins that I may have peace in my heart, trusting in Jesus and the Holy Spirit. There is only one person/Living God who lived a perfect life. I have listened to your Scripture teachings of John, Book of Acts, Book of Hebrews, half of Romans, and many of your series. I am still learning and listening to you and will probably re-listen to all your programs! I absolutely love how you give a historical Jewish context to that era. It truly helps me understand the significance of what Jesus did and said. All I have to say is thank you and can't wait to listen to you for years to come!! 07/01/24 Detroit, MI Thank you, Aaron, for your very helpful episodes discerning the difference between the dysfunctional (immature) parts of the body and the functional (mature) parts/people in the body. It is validating to hear that you also experience that it can be lonely when we understand the Fullness of the gospel and our total and complete forgiveness in Christ. 06/26/24 Newport Beach, CA I am very thankful that I have you to listen to on the radio while I am driving. You are the voice of sanity and stability as you show us how to enter into His rest, by receiving His forgiveness worked completely by Jesus Christ on the cross. This knowledge is such a huge relief. What a wonderful blessing you are; preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ. Thank you very much. 06/03/24 San Mateo, CA Just wanted to tell you how much your teaching has helped us (my husband and I). We listen to your radio archives everyday. I know I have listened to more than half of them, some twice. 04/03/24 Rockholds, KY Thank you for your insight and intelligence in teaching the Bible! I listen to you on radio at 4:30 AM and 7:00 PM Monday - Friday. You have taught me more about the Bible stories than I learned in my entire life! I am now 80 years old. You changed it from 66 books to one story about one great God - our Creator!! It has totally deepened my relationship with Him and I am thrilled!!! 03/01/24 Colorado Springs, CO Thank you so much for your ministry. I enjoy learning about our Lord, especially through the historical Judaic references. I am continuing to grow in my faith. I still struggle in many areas, but I am getting to know God deeper. God bless you as you and your ministry share the good news of what the Lord Jesus has done! 02/17/24 Quartz Hill, CA I have been listening to your verse by verse study on the book of Acts. I think this may be the 3rd time I’ve listened to this series of teachings and I always hear something new that gives me more insight into what Jesus is doing here on earth. Your teaching in “Acts 17: The temple not made by hands” made quite an impression on me. How profound when you said: God does not want your money, He wants YOU; God does not want your service, He wants YOU. 01/30/24 Long Beach, CA Just wanted to thank you for all the material you produce and let you know how I am glad for your programs. They have been helping me greatly as I have been speaking to my brother again and you seem to have a program on every topic we have been discussing. I really don't know if he is "saved" or not but he has read the Bible many times over yet can't make good sense of it (sorta like me before I got ahold of your programs) Anyhow, just thought I would let you know, he seems genuinely excited to get into your material. 01/28/24 Colorado Springs, CO I have closely listened to your teaching for the last 4-5 years. I have experienced what you have presented about living by relying on what Christ did for us, has brought me closer to our God. You speak the truth. You have taught me more clearly about grace and its practical impact on my life than any one in the last 40 years of trying to follow Christ. 12/17/23 Upland, CA Your talks on God's grace and love that's ours always gives me a hope that casts out amy fears. It also casts out my feelings of being less than others and heps me rest in Him. 12/07/23 New Berlin, WI I didn't understand the life and death issue of the gospel until I first heard it explained by Pastor Budjen. I'm growing in understanding. I knew I was born again, I just didn't really know what that meant until now. This admission is kind of shocking (too me), as I'm deeply versed in the scriptures and Christian history. I have a deep love for the fathers of the fFaith -- from Saint Polycarp to C.S. Lewis, but I've never heard the gospel so correctly and so succinctly described as by the Pastor. And the Spirit in me is bearing witness that the twin components of the gospel -- of forgiveness and resoration of the Life giving Spirit as Pastor Budjen describes it is the truth. I perceive this because of my own unique born again experience, and only what Pastor Budjen is teaching explains my experience. The people in this world today are so spiritually dead -- in the churches and out! I've been feeling that for a very long time, and I apologize if that sounds prideful. I could go on about this, of particular, I'm thinking about the topic of being in the "image of Adam" as Pastor Budjen explains. I've been saying this too, but had no idea I was saying it. Anyway, enough! God bless All! 12/03/23 Greely, CO Aaron, thank you for what you've given your life to do that has helped me significantly in understanding the bible and waking me up to having a personal, one-to-one relationship with God that is growing. I'm so appreciative and my God bless you fully and each day. 11/20/23 Fort Worth, TX Thank you Aaron for all of your messages. Life changing message - when I listened to your series on Forgiveness!!! Now I am able to forgive others with the complete forgiveness that Jesus provided for me. Amen. 11/07/23 Laguna Niguel, CA Since I discovered your studies and incorporated some into my growth in my relationship with my God, I am very much praying differently, not at all like before. Also, I believe that I'm aiming more realistically with my faith walk. There are still struggles. But your teachings have provided me with some new truthful tools, that I am approaching my Christian journey with a new understanding. 11/02/23 Greeley, CO The past 2 years have been an eye opener for me since I discovered your Livinggodministries website. I cannot thank you enough for the clarity you have brought to the scriptures that I have read and listened to other people/pastors/commentators speak about. 10/23/23 Valley Springs, CA Thank you for reaching out to me. Ever since I was a young child I knew there was a God. Through the years of marriage, raising a family and working, I attended various churches, answered more than one altar call and tried to read the scriptures. My Christan life wasn’t going anywhere. In 2016 I had recently retired and then went through a number of operations to save/restore my eyesight. While recuperating, I started to listen to various podcasts, audio books and radio stations. One day this Jewish guy named Aaron Budjen was on KBRITE, talking about the 3 days and 3 nights that Jesus was in the grave. A door opened up inside me. The scriptures suddenly had meaning and context, and I began my personal journey to know the Lord. I believe the holy spirit finally broke through that day! Recently I’ve been going through your verse by verse study in the book of John. Your discussion of how a church can be unified through a few simple truths made an impression on me and why I’ve been attracted to your teachings. The essence of your teachings involve two simple truths: forgiveness and the restoration of life are the foundation of the Christian life. From there, the Christian life is an ongoing personal and dynamic relationship with Jesus. 10/21/23 Long Beach, CA My relationships with the Lord changed dramatically after listening to your teaching's. It's a blessing to know the Lord with such confidence and understanding my faith on him had literally grown more in the two or three years I been listening to you and all your teachings than the 33 years I spent on the other organization after giving my life to the Lord and being born again 10/21/23 Stockton, CA But what I am most confident in now, is my relationship with Christ. With the truth that you helped me understand and was revealed in the gospel. I see a clear path to my relationship with God. As a former Catholic, my whole life was trying to straighten out my sin behavior and honestly it controlled every aspect of me, including my influence over my wife and children. But since I have completely excepted Christ’s forgiveness for the work he completed, I experienced relief for the first time in my life. I came to Christ around 2013 and bounced around for a moment looking for the perfect church. Somewhere in that search, I discovered you and Living God Ministries on long drives to my jobs sites. What a relief it was Aaron. I had never heard the gospel spoken like that or heard anyone challenging the status quo of Christianity. I have been following your work for at least eight years now and navigate my spiritual life with prayer, open communication with Jesus and your teachings. 10/20/23 Winchester, CA As I continue to move away from a gospel of repentance and obedience to and surrender to His grace, I am finding an increased richness coming into my life. The constant striving and sense of failure has been removed and is being replaced with an appreciation of who the Messiah really is. What a joy it to love Him for who he is and not be on a performance treadmill where I was becoming 'a greater child of hell than before I began'. 10/20/23 Cahir, Ireland It's mind blowing to think about how much error and indoctrination I have sat under in my lifetime. I find your teaching so helpful. Thank you! 10/12/23 Unknown Location Thank you so much for your current radio study on the Gospel of John. It's a real delight to tune in each day and receive deeper insight and understanding. I very much appreciate your taking time to expain things in context, and the historical background. 10/02/23 Denver, CO I had reached out to you about this time last year under a pseudonym using a fabricated email out of great shame for my actions throughout my marriage. You were kind enough to write me back and correspond. For what ever it is worth I want to say thank you for the impact you have had on my life, my marriage and most importantly providing clarity and encouragement to grow in knowledge of God. Thank you Mr. Budjen for encouraging me to know my God, and for relating to me based upon the love that Jesus has for you, and exemplifying what it means to be a mature brother in Christ which I can look to for encouragement in my walk. 09/28/23 San Pedro, CA I have to commend you on the depression series. To have dealt with the physical and pharmaceutical issues is very informative. Too then complete it with highlighting, how our God had has to deal with the fact that giving us free will has moved him to take an extreme solution, in sacrificing himself for us, now that takes my understanding of his love for humanity to another level. 09/24/23 Brisbane, Australia The first series I listened to of yours was on prayer. I cried. I cried happy tears because all that you said is what I was feeling God was saying to me! Your words are what was in my heart, but when I questioned others about prayer or researched, it was almost always the same, sort of… routine, legalistic, I would even use the word…dark (at least that’s how it made me feel). After listening to you in other areas and continuing study of scripture, I believe most teaching in prayer IS dark, twisted, and from the father of lies. 09/19/23 Canton, MI I was captivated by your teaching. I had been a Christian since age 24. I am now 71. I was a hippie of the 60's and 70's living in San Francisco and on the beaches of Maui. I have appreciated your teaching for many years now. God always provides opportunities for human beings to choose Him. 09/01/23 Captain Cook, HI Thank you for your dedication to knowing your God! I have benefited so much, and have grown in my understanding of Scriptural and spiritual truth. The radio archives have helped me on a daily basis. I look forward to continuing my spiritual growth in this way 07/27/23 Aptos, CA Very gratefully, listening to the programs in the archive over the years prepared me for healthy growth in the Lord through these challenges. The archive is a wonderful resource as it provides access to topical studies and relevant portions of verse-by-verse studies when help on a specific topic is needed. Many times, a program directly addressed a specific challenge I was having at that time. Praise the Lord for who He is and the work He is doing with you to bring His truth, love, mercy, forgiveness, and Spirit to the World. 07/23/23 Encinitas, CA I have been listening to you for about a year now. At first, I was a bit taken aback by your tone and content, you were challenging things that I had long held to be true. I remember saying to myself, this guy has no proof of any of this, it's all conjecture and subjective. Well, for some reason I could not stop listening. I even played some bits for my partner, a believer but not a seeker, and I got agreement that this stuff was nuts. I have always adored Jewish people and valued their place in God's plan. I love that you were a Rabbi and actually had a moment of realization about Jesus being the Messiah that you shared with your congregation. You made me laugh saying you heard a lot of "Oy veys!" Well, as I continued to listen, I saw that you were backing everything up with scripture, and that you had paid some heavy prices in life for your convictions. I heard more and more truth and realized you were the real deal. I started loving you, not me, but the Holy Spirit in me. Last week you were talking about our Forgiveness and how it is solid and non-negotiable. That it was not based on our simpering over our sins each and every day. That God was not waiting to hear how sorry we are to bless us. Well, those old hackles went up again, but I felt the Holy Spirit telling me be still and listen. So I did. And WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! I am one of those people you mentioned, who say the Lord's prayer every day, but I say it thinking about each part and with conviction. To have that part about, "Forgive us our sins as we forgive others," clarified, WOW! It all makes so much sense! It's nutso crazy awesome amazing sauce as the kids would say! OY VEY! You done did it, you cleared up something for me that was so confusing, and now so clear. He is clearly saying forgive us as we emulate what He did, forgiving others, NOT forgive us the same way we forgive others or else He withdraws His forgiveness. WOW! Can I say it again, WOW! You made it clear! You reached maybe only me, but boy did you reach me. I thank God for you and for your following of the Holy Spirit, thank you for loving Jesus and trying to help us do the same. Thank you for your amazing and unusually truthful and real teaching, thank you for caring and loving the same way Jesus did. 07/22/23 Unknown Location Thank you so much for the response and for sending the booklet. I really wanted to share it with my sister. She and I grew up as the children of a non-denominational pastor, and were not instilled with a strong sense of what forgiveness really means. As a result, we have both suffered years of guilt and shame, coupled with an overwhelming desire to "do what is right," which I know now has kept us from growing closer to God. I began listening to your radio programs about six months ago, and have been learning to let go and rest in God's forgiveness as I begin to see what that means. Though I still have a long road ahead, I am grateful that I stumbled across your program. 07/19/23 Modesto, CA Thank you Mr. Budjen for the programs you are producing. I came across them maybe 8 months ago just as a happen stance. I was immediately intrigued by not on what you said but how it was explained. What a breath of fresh air it was to hear your explanation of scriptural passages especially with your background. You cut through man’s infused knowledge, which seemed to me often questionable, and made everything so clear. I understand this is your opinion, but it made sense to me. You made God accessible. So again thank you for these programs. May the Lord continue to use you to reach all who want to know their God and not just to know about him. 07/17/23 Riverbank, CA Thank you for the unique but biblical perspective you provide. I have been binge listening to your archives and have since changed my views on several matters. 07/06/23 Dallas, TX I've certainly enjoyed studying through the Gospel of John with you. Again, thank you so much for your excellent teaching. More than once, I came to a clearer understanding of a question or issue - discarding old, long held beliefs and ideas. 07/01/23 Aurora, CO This is a letter of thanks. Because of you, I now have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Due to health issues, usually the only time I get to leave the house is to visit a doctor, so I look forward to devouring whatever information you make available. 07/01/23 Ridge, NY I have thoroughly enjoyed your chapter-by-chapter study of the Book of John. I don't think I have ever heard it explained so clearly. I have heard every program. 06/27/23 Madera, CA Aaron, if it wasn’t for your radio ministry I might have not believed in Jesus. You spoke with such passion and truth. Its an experience I will never forget. (it was many programs I heard) and that really got me going in the right direction. Thx for all you do for us. I think you should know that there are many more people like me that you brought home, I know for sure. 06/21/23 Unknown Location Hi Aaron, I've been meaning to write you an email for quite awhile now. About two years ago God led me to one of your radio programs on a day that I desperately needed to hear what you were saying. "Does God still hold our sins against us?" Which initially led me to your series on forgiveness. You're teaching has helped my dad and I out so much. See, I was one of those "spiritually paralyzed" people that you speak of. I was suffering inside and I couldn't find anyone to diagnose the problem, and God led me to you. Now, I recognize that I am 100% forgiven. I can have a relationship with God and His Spirit will always dwell in me. He loves and accepts me!!! I just wanted to thank you for all that you do.Your work is greatly appreciated! 06/15/23 Pueblo, CO Thank you for your wonderful radio programs. They are so interesting and enlightening!!! I've learned so much about the Bible!! Your perspective has made the Bible a very interesting and understandable book. I share this program with all my friends and encourage them to listen as well. I'm 79 years old. Many thanks. 04/12/23 Colorado Springs, CO I really appreciate how you took the time personally and genuinely respond to me. There isn’t enough time to tell you how you have helped me know my God. I was paralyzed for so many years and I have been struck by the mercy of God for sure, and it is truly like he is changing my heart, people always talked about it but I never saw it for real. This has lead me away from the gathering of believers that called themselves “the church”, but now I feel even more connected to the real body of Christ through His Spirit. They all think I’ve fallen away and just smile because I don’t believe what most of them believe so it doesn’t bother me. Also there are others that are seeing the truth which is amazing. With all that, I hope that we can talk again. 04/06/23 Unknown Location The main reason I want you to hear from me is to let you know that God has showed me so much about Himself and who He is in the last 6 months than I have learned in my lifetime. He has allowed me to see that He is not a God that is interested in my futile attempts to please Him! So liberating!! The liberation is one thing, but the consequences are kind of funny. I have more problem deprogramming Christians (my immediate family) than I do non-Christians. Non-Christians are truly interested in this kind of God., this good news. I thank God for using you to get the true Gospel, the whole Gospel not perverted by the idea that what Christ did wasn't sufficient. If I were God, I would be hurt. How exciting that I could give you this wonderful gift of eternal life in fellowship and you turn it down. 04/06/23 Irvine, CA I have been wanting to write a thank you. I have been constantly growing in my realtionship with Jesus over the years. There have been times when I have felt confused, lost or had questions, whenever I came to you, you kindly answered. Even when I asked questions about why it is important to be a part of a community/church. You encouraged me to go and see, and to seek God in my questions. Now i see a lot of my issue was due to my own lack of maturity and even some pride in thinking I can do this walk all by myself, but no matter how spiritually immature I may have been you never chose to take advantage of me in trying to understand finding a church or minitrsy to be a part of or even in what I could've believed from your words or teaching. You didn't try to convince me to just listen to you or give money to you (which is what I've been asked by churches before I can even know someone's name or their beliefs), you actually didn't ask for anything at all. Instead you encouraged and always referred me back to God and to listen what He has to say. In my journey in finding a church/ community. I have encountered interesting people, groups, leaders, and places. Its a hard thing to do on my own, when I feel so young in my faith and trying to discern whats best, right and where God may want me. It has brought wonderful people in my life a long the way and had opened my eyes to understanding what God does through all different kinds of people. Instead of asking me to only give or put time into your ministry your focus has alway been on people growing in christ, and I really respect that and want to thank you because I feel its not as common as it should be now a days.. I appreciate your honesty, helpfullness, and genuine advice. I'm a little disappointed in myself why I couldnt be more open to seeing why God has created us to be a part of a community and to spend time with others while growing in chirst together, but im grateful to be where I am at. Its been a journey but is only the beginning. 04/05/23 Georgetown, TX Thank you for all you do, Aaron. I must let you know the way you explained the verses in the Gospel of John when Jesus was speaking with the women at the well, it did something to me that let me know the meaning and understanding of the Messiah and purpose he came to solve the sins of mankind and second, to restore the sprit of God, should we accept it, and to know who God really is and to learn to listen to Him! This was so important to me! To know the Truth of the new testament Gospel. I Sincerely thank the Lord for you, Aaron! I have read this this scripture many times in my life and missed and did not understand it until now! I cannot believe what I now know in my heart and being is so, so wonderful. I have searched for this all of my life, and now I understand who Jesus is and why He came on this earth to do! 04/03/23 Denver, CO I am SO thankful to your work and how it has opened my eyes and heart to really see the gospel and our inheritance. It’s the most beautiful treasure! That allows me to see everything else through that amazing Grace filled lens. His word is mind blowing! God works in all kinds of ways. It’s not so much the “story” that each of us have, it’s how our God works with us through it. 03/18/23 Linden, CA You are a great teacher and I am learning so much. My sister recommended you to me. She said that you built a foundation based on history and scripture and explained things very logically. She was right! 01/28/23 Attleboro, MA Your ministry has been a tremendous blessing in my life. The teachings of Pastor Aaron Budjen have been so impactful, eye opening and enhanced my spiritual growth. 12/30/22 Elk Grove, CA Thank you for airing in Milwaukee,WI. Joy1340 WJOI-AM. I am learning soo much that is getting at my old religion so I can have relationship with God. 12/19/22 Milwaukee, WI I have been listening to your broadcast for about 7 months now, and have recently been listening to your Radio Archive over the last few months. Your broadcasts have given me so much clarity on my faith and my relationship with GOD that I am driven from my heart to pursue. I am very grateful for all that you’ve brought to my ears which has opened me up to questions I’ve always felt in my heart. I was babtized Catholic as a baby but was not brought up religious or in the faith at all. I lived separated from GOD most my life until about eight months ago when I felt an urge to go to church. I went back to the Roman Catholic Church and after a few weeks I started branching out to other denominational churches and listening to radio Broadcasts. After hearing your broadcasts a few times a was very intrigued and started opening my Bible daily and studying on my own. 11/14/22 Brentwood, CA I can't explain the impact you've had on my life. I know I've told you this before but I started believing in Jesus as my Savior in early 2011. I was 30 years old. For the next 7 years I grew to learn a lot about the Bible and Jesus and I thought I was in a relationship with Him (hard to say); but it wasn't until I heard you on the radio (and then shortly after that I downloaded all your radio archive content) that I realized I was not living in the New Covenant. I was doing exactly like you say, doing as much as I could to not sin, but when I did, asking Jesus for forgiveness and thinking He made up for where I fell short. Instead of 100% relying on what He did for me. You word it much better than I do, but the fact is, I did not believe in the complete forgiveness of sins. And I definitely did not understand that forgiveness does NOT equal salvation. When I think about it, it really upsets me that there are so few people out there that don't teach and thus don't understand the true Gospel. And I can't tell you how many people have tried to tell me, now that I know the true Gospel, that it's not the true Gospel. They tell me I'm confused. That I lack understanding. That I need to find a "sound" pastor and attend a "sound" church. When I hear this garbage I realize they don't understand anything but trying to have an honest conversation with them is pointless. I know you know this situation better than I. It's just mind boggling and I felt like venting. 09/21/22 Phoenix, AZ You have taught me about knowing our Lord. The way you explain how it's a relationship and put in the perspective of a friendship so similar to any friendship. Thank you for taking the time to help me and I'm sure many, many others. 09/10/22 Garland, TX Also, I'm sure you've heard this countless times (although one can never be encouraged enough), but your teaching has really made a huge difference in my walk with Jesus. I've been a Christian for over 40 years and very rarely if ever have I heard the fullness of the gospel taught as you teach it. You are a modern day Paul. 09/10/22 Westminster, CO Aaron, I am currently listening to your Romans series for about the 5th time, and I am learning new things! I have been listening to your Radio Archive daily for the past 15 years, and have found that they are all worth listening to multiple times. Not only is your content really deep, but also, God participates with me as I listen. It's as if He says, "Do you fully understand everything Aaron just said and is it real in your life?" So if the answer is no, I listen again (sometimes even a third time) knowing that God is going to actively use your words to teach me something new. It's really quite exciting and FUN. And it's cute how sometimes He will even use your exact words to move the knowledge from my head to my heart. This is why I don't think I'll ever stop listening to your messages, because there is no end to the new things I can learn about my God. Your Radio Archive -- and now, your teaching on YouTube as well -- offers us a priceless opportunity to grow closer to the Lord, and for that reason, I truly believe that your ministry is the most important thing being done on this planet. It's because you point us directly to the heart of God, and that is what He cares most about; this is what He has been teaching me recently, that what is most important to Him is that I grow to know Him better and that I grasp and receive His great and passionate love for me. So, Aaron, this is why I will be eternally grateful to you and your ministry. And meanwhile life becomes more enjoyable as His love helps me to overcome my sin; for example, lately, when I get stuck in the awful and debilitating sins of worry and fear, God has been using these struggles to reveal His love for me. I am literally experiencing how His love casts out fear. I also still get tempted by the Law and I worry that I am not doing enough for God, so again, lately He has been showing me that the thing He cares most about is -- not what I can do for Him -- but what He can do for me. And what He wants to do most is to love me. 08/28/22 Unknown Location I wish I could say I listen everyday but my work schedule will not allow that. However when I do have a chance to listen, I really enjoy the thoroughness of your your sermons and how much detail and support you provide. So much so I have to admit i will grab a paper and pencil to hurriedly scribble down a verse or topic your speaking to that day. I have some Jewish friends who I believe are lost not only in their Judaism but in life in general. I want to introduce the Lord to them and I believe if I can suggest your background and radio program, we may have a chance to get them to heaven. I did spend some time on your website today to learn more about the ministry and your background. Your humbleness speaks loudly in your past upbringing and your broadcast today. Keep the faith and your wonderful ministry moving forward. 08/26/22 Detroit, MI I just wanted to express my gratitude to you and praises to our God for your radio ministry I’ve been trying to invite more Christian and non- Christians to listen to your presentations of the gospel and teachings Today’s teaching was one of the profoundly mind opening ones to date. I so much appreciate your perspectives and insights in to the Holy Scriptures. I pray God would continue to bless and anoint you to deliver more life-transforming teachings and bless you and your loved ones 07/26/22 Unknown Location Thank you so much for providing free teaching. I have a learned so many things that I have been misinformed about for many years. I truly now understand that my God truly Loves me and is not going to punish me every time I make the wrong decisions. Thanks to your teaching I truly I have been released from the bondage of church traditional teaching and understand the need to get to know the God who loves me. 07/06/22 Orange County, CA Thank you for helping me understand so much about our Lord Jesus Christ. I've desired to get to know Him for so long but I never knew where to start. I believed in God but I didn't realize that I didn't believe in my savior wholeheartedly. I hope to continue to support your ministry so others may also gain understanding and really be saved. 05/27/22 Dallas, TX Thank you for all of the wonderful lessons in the radio archive. I have learned a lot from them. One major benefit that I have learned is how to ask questions while studying Scripture 05/27/22 Orlando, FL I was looking through the website for a topic and realized that there is so much material to cover. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of hours you have donated to the advancement of the Gospel. Thank you so much for all you do. May God bless you and your family always. 05/27/22 Gilroy, CA A little note to say thanks for your wonderful teaching, and for helping us to understand God's covenants and how to grow our relationship with Jesus. It's been a true gift for our family and we are very grateful for and to you. We all learn from others about things in life here on Earth, however some things are far more important than others, and in particular knowing God's heart. I don't know how else we could correctly understand His lessons in the Bible in their actual intended contexts without the knowledge and care of those who have dedicated their lives to the language and specific cultural history of Israel. Thank you for sharing yours with us. 05/19/22 Ontario, CA Thank you for all that you’re doing. I’m working my way through the knowledge of complete forgiveness in Jesus, but I know I have the Holy Spirit and my true life restored as you describe. I’m glad He brought me to your archive and show, I believe it was an answered prayer. If you read this, please pray for my wife xxxxxxxx who has become very distrustful of the church and religion in general. Nothing would bring me happier if she found Jesus. 05/02/22 Los Angeles, CA I see things from a new context, and to my surprise, some things that were confusing or incomplete from new testament teaching are more clear. I have been a Christian for many years and have been very disappointed by church experiences and consequently I rarely attend church. I support radio ministries that I feel moved to support, and most of the time spent on the internet and radio is on religious issues. The context you provide is like the fog lifting in some areas such as baptism. I discovered you on the radio, and followed up at your website, and now spend more time on your radio archives catching up with all I have missed. God bless you and thank you and I do feel moved to support you financially as I am able. 03/31/22 Clinton Township, MI Ive been listening to your show online since it started airing on thewordfm.com in january. You really helped me grasp the truth that all of our forgiveness of sin is done and finished with your initial series about forgiveness. Thank you for that. I listened to your broadcast earlier today, 3-7-2022. You talked about how there are people who believe and think that the goal of a Christian life is often thought to be to live a sinless life. That they need to eliminate sin from their lives in order to cement their salvation. You also spoke about different churches or individuals that will employ the use of the "stick" or the "carrot" in order to get others to behave the way they want them to. I just wanted to express to you my gratitude for speaking on this topic today. You gave me much peace and confidence about a matter that has been troubling me for a while. At one point in your piece, you said something to the affect of "they will get people together and then break off into groups and force them to confess their sins to each other in order to shame and humiliate people into submission" and it struck me big time because thats almost exactly what my church seems to be doing. Its been a point of deep concern for me. I have had a problem with it since the very first time I learned of it. I wont say that their point or goal of doing so is necessarily to shame people into submission but I feel very compelled or forced against my will to take part and it seems wrong to me for many reasons. They say they are sighting James 5:16 as their source for having what they call "community groups" and doing these confessing sessions with each other. They get together, break off into groups and then go down a checklist of questions, about 11 of them, and each person one after the other confesses to the group about whatever the question is. It seems wrong, especially since I feel no obligation in any way to confess anything to any of them. My problem is that I think that verse is being taken out of context without first reading verses 13-15 also. I have no problem with someone going to others and asking for prayer and support with a sin they are battling, there is great truth that doing so is healthy and right. However, I do not for one minute believe that I HAVE to confess anything to anyone besides God. No man can forgive me, and I owe no man any sort of confession. Unless I wrong that person directly. Its been a burden on my heart for several months now. I do not want to make them think I am backsliding or falling away from the faith and I do not want to lose my standing with the church by being, what I fear they could perceive as me just being uncooperative. I have no problem with them doing their groups and if anyone wants to attend and do their confessing then by all means, go ahead. What I have a problem with is it feels like I am being compelled against my will and that my choosing to not attend will be frowned upon by the elders which could lead to all sorts of issues. I was so very glad to hear your thoughts on this matter. You affirmed to me that my conviction about it is not just flat out wrong. Thanks again for your ministry. I find your perspective about things to be quite different and I appreciate how you make me think about topics in different ways. I look forward to tomorrows broadcast. God bless you and your show. 03/07/22 Texas I never could make out the Bible until I ran across you on the radio. When you tied in the history in a practical down to earth way...dots started getting connected. Little by little I've gotten more connected to God...Jesus. It makes me cry...in a relief sort of way. Recently God has comforted me in a way I rarely got as a child. 03/06/22 Portland, OR Your illumination of the New Covenant has changed my heart life and brought me closer to God than ever before. Thank you, so much! I'm 69 and have had cancer for the last four years. It's given me a lot of time to listen to the archive. I've listened to everything three or four times, at least. I listen to your radio broadcasts every day too. I've been reading the Bible for nigh on 40 years, but always knew I was missing a big part of it, which you filled in. I prayed for help about 6 years ago and found you one day on ****, and knew I had hit the jackbop right away!! 02/28/22 Lawndale, CA Through insight, knowledge, and humor, you bring the Scriptures to life and clarify the world we live in past and present. Thank you. 12/31/21 Calhan, CO Your messages, whether written or audio or video, strike to the heart of so many that hear them. They paint the picture of, and refresh the point of the gospel. It's wild because it's so simple once it's explained...but people will never get that in the large majority of church. Whether it takes days, weeks, months, or years, your messages are destined to be heard and make an impact. It might not be the day after you spent the long hours putting it together, but it will make an impact eventually. Like sowing the field I suppose. 12/01/21 Denver, CO Greetings, Aaron. Your ministry has totally illumined my walk with God. I owe you a debt of gratitude. You have opened my eyes and ears to so many truths that I missed in my daily Bible reading. Thanks 11/09/21 Lawndale, CA I am a part of your, "silent radio audience." Know that every day I listen, I give thanks for your radio programs. I'm very pleased to hear your perspective on the Bible and Jesus - the increased knowledge and understanding have caused me to feel hope in the application of the principles in my own life and to my personal relationships. Your programs have been a blessing in my life. Thank you. 10/08/21 Camarillo, CA Hi Aaron, my son suggested that I check out your archives on Forgiveness and Identity. I can't express sufficiently the gratitude I have for your work here. My understanding of scripture and the gospel has significantly changed thanks to your incredible insight/illumination. I have spent many years studying Christian philosophy (Schaeffer,CS Lewis), bible history, archeology. I grew up in a Christian Science home. My mother was a practitioner. I have always been somewhat baffled concerning the concepts of forgiveness and being saved as used in the common Christian community...but I get it now!! Or at least have a start... hahah. Not sure that they do for the most part though. Anyway, I've been going through your archives for about 3 weeks now and found your youtube channel. My son discovered you on AM670 Denver. He was over for dinner yesterday and we were just discussing the impact of your work in our hearts and understanding. For me to even be writing this reply is almost otherworldly but its truth. I could go on. Thank you so much!.. so much. 10/06/21 Arvada, CO I am so grateful for your ministry and the life changing impact on my relationship with our living God. It's so good to be set free from Christianism and theological game theory. Thank you! 09/14/21 Santa Rosa, CA My name is *** I was born in Israel in 1969 and immigrated to us with my family when I was 12. All my life I lived a normal Jewish life. In the last few years through different people and experiences it's if God has showen me about Yesuha and that he was the masiach and the light of God. It took me many years to accept this but recently I cannot fight or deny it. I still struggle with some issues and came across Aaron's radio broadcast in los angeles. I was impressed that another Jew like him had a similar experience and I really hope I can talk to Aaron because I still have some questions and I feel alone and need support from another jew. 7/28/21 Los Angeles, CA I am so thankful this ministry exists. It has helped me greatly to experience freedom from the bondage of legalism, and religion, and to walk in the knowledge of who I am in Christ, and the inheritance I have because of Him. 07/20/21 Orlando, FL I want to thank you for all your hard work. All of your teaching are amazing and most important. They are easy to understand. Your teachings are a blessing to my life. They have brought peace and joy knowing what Jesus accomplished on the cross. I am able to share the Gospel the way you explained to people I encounter n my day. I am able to share the Gospel in a joyful and excited manner. Thank you again 07/20/21 Chula Vista, CA Just writing to let you know your teaching is having a positive impact on me. Besides the Sunday live teaching, I've been listening to Romans. Looking back overy my life I feel like I've lived very superficially, and now in your teaching, I'm finding the 10 or so years of attending church, worship, giving, studying, etc also seemed superficial and not worship as God would like. Never knew of, "religious pride" but that seems to sum it up. I felt bad learning this - yet thankful for the truth. 07/19/21 Farrell, PA I must say that your teaching is refreshing; your explanation of the scriptures answers many questions that concerned me about mainstream interpretation; things I just had to believe in faith without explanation; things I see that were in the Bible all along that I missed entirely, misinterpreted, or just plain ignored. Your teaching clears up much of that. Surprising nobody teaches as you do, the plenary forgiveness of sins; there has to be another agenda in play. I went to Bible college and explored Messianic Judaism for a time. Interesting what you had to say about Bible colleges and Messianic congregations – you are right, of course! 06/12/21 West Linn, OR Just a note to say that I have found this past week's programs to be especially good and meaningful® I actually take notes on the programs and refer back to them later. I look forward to next week. 05/29/21 Madera, CA Your ministry is making a lot of sense to me. I am blown away every time I hear you speak I learned so much. 04/07/21 Unknown Location Thank you for the archives, I'm unable to receive radio broadcasts in Arkansas. Updated programs are appreciated. The audio, "Forgiveness" is not easy to get a hold on, but the one I need the very most. I'm listening more than once. Either I understand or I don't. I don't, not well, I'm nearly eighty four years of age. Hour glass doesn't have much sand left on top globe, so please pray for me. 03/09/21 Paragould, AR thank you for all the great work that you do. It is dizzying to see all that you present to me and all the listeners, which is probably the tip of the iceberg of what we don’t see you do! You have opened my eyes to the gospel of grace and not law. For that, you will always be my pastor. I look forward to your teachings on all the books of the Bible, and I hope you will be able to complete that journey. God has truly blessed you with intelligence, insight and the ability to teach in depth. I am at such peace knowing that in spite of my sins, past present and future, I am forgiven and loved for knowing Jesus as my Lord and Savior. What a blessing it is to go through life now with thanks and gratefulness for all that has been given to me by our amazing Lord and King of kings! 02/18/21 Santa Clara, CA I am grateful for this ministry, in that it is setting me free to know my God in a way that I did not realize was possible. 2/17/21 Orlando, FL Many, many thanks for your radio ministry: Living God Ministries, which I listen to daily (M-F) 4:30 AM and 7 PM on Radio FM 100.7. I have learned so much in how to live a Christian life! You have interpreted the Scriptures in a new more truthful way than I have ever heard before!!! I am deeply grateful and share this information and broadcast with all my friends. 1/13/20 Colorado Springs, CO I've been a listener off and on since I lived in Fort Worth, Texas in 2013. I now live in Arizona and listen to the archives. Honestly, the biggest thing I've gained is a release from legalism. I used to believe it was Jesus plus ____. Now I don't! So grateful for the hard work you do and that God led me to LGM and your teachings. I have a million questions but learning more all the time. My biggest goal is to know Him, not just about Him. 12/29/20 Surprise, AZ I thank God that He has led me to find your radio ministry. Your teaching has helped clarify many misunderstandings I have been struggling with in my Christian faith. I pray the Lord will continue to use you to teach us through the entire Bible, book by book. May He continue to bless you and your family as you serve Him. I look forward to listening to many more of your recordings. 12/27/20 Irvine, CA Your programs have been transformational in our lives and I have had many opportunities to share what I have learned with others - with our own children, with Pastors, with friends in my men’s Bible study group, in our Children’s Ministry classes, in our Community Group, and in my work. It has been and continues to be a truly essential part of my ongoing discipleship. 11/14/20 Longmont, CO Just want to thank you for all the time and effort you have put into the ministry that has helped so many people around the world know the truth. Lives have beeen changed, and the world and heaven are better for it. To think that souls are saved and added to eternity, and that sweet relationships will be never ending is astounding and exciting! 11/03/20 Grapevine, TX I just wanted to say, I am so so very happy to hear you on the Radio my brother and to hear someone who understands the NEW COVENANT and eloquently speaks the truth about what God wants us to see, know, and speak. Awesome job my brother, and all your staff and supporters. I have only heard you a dozen times or so but have been very impressed by your knowledge of His gospel, and you are a hero in my book for believing His good news, for communicating it to others, and for living it. 11/08/20 Waco, TX I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior when I was eleven years old (I am now 74)... since I was raised in Church, it is as though I have known Christ as my personal Savior all my life ... I have been able to talk with Him forever... Since finding your program on the radio I am learning so many new things, or maybe old things, just a new depth. I want to say thank you for your teaching the Word of God, for making me want to hear more and for giving me the feeling I can hardly wait until the next program. 11/03/20 Turlock, CA My husband ***** and I started watching you about 2 months ago at our neighbor’s, ***** with 2 other neighbors. I can’t begin to tell you how much it means to me personally what your teachings have begun to do for ***** and I. I love how we all end up talking and sharing until noon every Sunday. ***** and I feel like something is missing when we aren’t able to participate, but always get caught up before the following Sunday. Thank you Aaron. I can’t believe what a difference you have made in our lives in such a short time. I also related to what you were saying about us being the church and understood what my dad had said in the past. It made perfect sense. It felt so liberating. Thank you for explaining and clarifying everything. I know we have a long way to go, but I feel so much more at peace. 11/01/20 Orangevale, CA my wife and I often listen in amazement to your teachings, explanations; many times rejoicing when we find out about truths in the Scriptures never explained to us ( or the church-why ? ) before. Amazing ! We often pray for you and the ministry you've been doing for the glory of God. I stumbled ( funny, isn't it ? ) over your message on 770 Radio in the Bay Area( speaking about the "restraining of the flesh "or " indulging the flesh") on my way to Sacramento a few months ago, and it not only intrigued me, it baffled me- never heard that kind of "preaching" before. I wanted to hear more and although I thought I memorized the name of the ministry, I soon realized that I actually forgot it. On my way home back to the Bay Area where we live, "coincidence"- the same message ( and messenger ). I made a point to myself this time to memorize the address...so this is how we found "livingGodministries", and we found the Archive, and we praise the Lord for this, for you, and pray for you often, We rest now in His Salvation and we rejoice in Him, knowing for sure that what He did He finished as He promised 10/29/20 San Leandro, CA I Just wanted to say thank you. Your ministry has been a blessing to me. I am a pastor in Monument, CO, and much of your teaching is helpful for my sermon preparation. I so appreciate your clarity on the Gospel. 10/26/20 Monument, CO Been listening to you for a while now on KBRT 1240AM. I have learned so much from you, and know it is the Lord speaking to me loudly and very clearly through you. Thank you so much for answering the call God placed on your life long ago. I am an assistant pastor at a large church in the xxxxxxxx area, yes still at it! Was listening to your message this morning from Heb 5. It was amazing, praise the Lord! I learned long ago that it is not about what the teacher teaches, rather what the learner learns. Exactly what you were sharing. It was a great reminder and encouragement for me. 10/24/20 San Diego, CA ... The point to all of this was that when we began watching you...seeing how 'real' you are...hearing strong facts and digging deeper into the Bible, it opened our eyes again. We felt encouraged and excited to be learning the truths behind what is written. We also love your quick sense of humor scattered throughout your messages. To date, we believe that God has made you known to us....we feel blessed by understanding the Word now and we cannot thank you enough for what you do for the benefit of so many. We realize you are taxed and your work seems endless or daunting, but we greatly appreciate all you do. 10/31/20 Orangevale, CA ... At this point, I don't have answers to several things but I have more answers than questions as never before. I feel peace as never before, joy and happiness as never before, I started feeling a new and different connection with God because there is no more a barrier between him and me. I know that I have a lot to learn, I will continue studying the bible, finally, the Bible started to make sense for me, finally, I feel the bible as a living book. The law started to make sense for me, all the words of the apostles started to make sense. I don't know if I have to join to a church, I don't know If I can find a church where I live that understand the true gospel and the new covenant but what I know and feel in this moment is that I have to study the bible and know my God, I will trust that he is going to guide me to understand what is the work that he has prepared for me do for him. 10/22/20 Quesada, Costa Rica Your radio ministry is absolutely fabulous. You, more than anyone, make it abundantly clear that Jesus' death on the cross is sufficient for the payment of all sins, past present and future, and all who would believe this are saved. I am sure that you will be talking about all He has done for us when He returns to earth to come and get us. 09/13/20 Atherton, CA Thank you so much for your work spreading the truth of the Gospel. You have opened my eyes and are changing my life. 09/14/20 Centennial, CO You are a most unusual person, but I like it! You've been exactly the help ive needed through navigating my spiritual journey and understanding into scripture. I just finished your baptism series. I agree with you. I was raised a Baptist. Of course they say water baptism doesn't save you, but I was worried when I discovered that my wife hadn't been baptized and I strongly urged her to get baptized! Haha. I obviously proved my true belief at that time. I wouldn't have said that you weren't going to make it to heaven if you hadn't been baptized, I just wouldn't chance it. Ive had to work through a lot of my misconceptions, and even now. I don't think there's anything I've disagreed with you on when you teach and lay out your argument and present the evidence. I think the "church" feels that it always has to have an answer as God's "representative" and can't afford the latitude for a God with emotion. The God you present is much different then the one I grew up with. Slowly but surely God reveals himself to me more and more and knocks down the religious superstitions ive been brainwashed with. I actually remember lamenting to my wife years ago how I wish I could just find a Jewish rabbi that would be willing to teach me some thing's about Jewish culture and their history because I was having a hard time grasping what I was reading, even though I grew up with a bible in my hands, and then I stumbled across your YouTube channel! The first video I watched was the one on jesus's genealogy. It blew me away and ive been watching you ever sense. Anyway, thanks for just speaking the truth and not performing word gymnastics to give people what they want to hear. 08/24/20 Columbus, OH I just want to give my thanks for your teaching. The one about expectations and being a friend of God really set me free. I realized that all my life I had a very distorted view of God. Trying to obey and failing but expecting God to bless me anyway. No matter how hard I tried this quid pro quo relationship never worked. I was never truly thankful always looking to the future when God would finally bless me. I am so grateful to enjoy fellowship with my Heavenly Father and not trying to serve him for a debt that Jesus paid already. I also have been relieved of the need for God to bless me. I want him to, but it’s ok if he doesn’t, I am just enjoying being in his presence that is more than enough. 07/19/20 Sacramento, CA I really did appreciate the vital lessons from your latest addition on Sanctification. It was such a pertinent reminder of just who we are in Christ - things that can be so easily forgotten. I relate that to the Scripture that speaks of the, "sin that so easily besets us," and resort to our old way of thinking that slowly and incidiously creeps back in. It's a must to listen/hear the broadcasts repeatedly. Many thanks for your diligence and faith. 07/18/20 Pasadena, CA Hi, I just wanted to express gratitude for your unbiased look, from someone who understands the Jewish, Christian view of the Bible, refreshing and honest. I'm enjoying on KKVV in Las Vegas. I listen and understand passover better. I'm a Christian and always wondered why we don't celebrate Passover, etc. 04/11/20 Las Vegas, NV We wish to thank you for your excellent radio teachings. Your historical foundations in your messages bring facts to us that we have never heard in our 50+ years of church services. You have brought answers to many questions and concerns we have had. Our son Jeff has talked about you for some time so we finally listened to a few of your teachings and were amazed at the clarity you bring to areas of confusion other have taught concerning the Word. Regular church sermons only touch the surface and leave those truly wanting to grow - frustrated. Thank you very much for what you do. We intend to continue to support your ministry. May God bless you and your ministry. 03/10/20 Colorado Springs, CO Your messages set me free from over 40 years of slavery to the Law. I was choking on the dust of ill-formed theology and apologetics. It's all I had. When I first heard your messages, shock set in because I understood how much time I had lost in pursuit of something I could never achieve: complete reduction of sin. As I let go of the Law, I felt lost because it was a "moral compass" that I mistakenly thought gauged spiritual progress. It was another 2 years of wandering before circumstances broke me down and I cried for a relationship with our Lord Jesus. I was alone, walking in the country, my face contorted with tears, when I surrendered. It turned into the most beautiful moment of my life. Don't get me wrong. I didn't see the Transfiguration. All the pain did not suddenly disappear. But I sensed that our Lord began to walk with me and comfort me. It's as if I was not born again before that. After that, I began to tell my friends that I loved them. I couldn't help it; the words just came out of my mouth. Step by step, a little bit at a time, I walk in grace, and Christ Jesus unties the bonds of performance that shackled my heart and mind. Some "contracts of performance" that I had signed were not associated with Biblical Law at all. They were unwritten social contracts that demanded accomplishment and admired behavior before I could accept myself, and that told me who I must judge as lesser or greater persons. At best, it was an existence of suspended animation with the occasional moments of " it's ok to be me for a bit." Then, back into the bottle, and wait until the genie let's me out again. I would still be there (if depression didn't get the better of me), had it not been for the Lord Jesus reaching me through your teaching. 03/05/20 Lodi, CA Aaron you do not Know how many lives that you have saved you got me out of the grave I first heard you in the morning 3:30 am 770 Modesto CA. I hope you will stay on the air Aaron I am not working now but as soon as I get back to work I will donate something to your cause Aaron I waited all my life to hear the truth I when the people talk they sound like lies 03/12/20 Modesto, CA After being a Christian for 20 years by listening to your lessons I finally understood forgiveness and the gospel. Your program has changed my life, my husband’s and my teenage son. Now we walk with a grateful heart. We are no longer walk in the Lord’s path depressed, bitter and worried that we could not meet God’s standards. The truth has set us free!!! Jesus is so amazing and loving. Thank you! 03/03/20 Gilroy, CA I have learned so much from him that I have never learned before. I grew up in California, I grew up at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa under Chuck Smith and tons of others. Aaron has shown me a lot of things that I have never learned before, I always stuck to Calvary because they teach Genesis to Revelation, verse by verse. But there are a lot of things Aaron has taught me that others have not. I was thought of Aaron as a modern day apostle Paul, very similar testimonies. I love Aaron's teachings coming from a straight Jewish Rabbi background. Understanding the culture and context of the time Scripture was written is very important to our application. Aaron has also educated me a lot on those issues. 03/02/20 Dallas, TX I still have a lot to learn and discover concerning your teachings. But one thing I am most certain of and that is what you are teaching had completely redirected my life- and I know that your teachings have given me more of an up lift and I feel as if God himself has breathed life into me- so please just keep on speaking what the Lord has given to you- and for those blinded still in the dark religions persons who want to continue to have people live under the law and end up further away from God, because that is exactly what happened to me- but because I accidentally ran across one of your sermons, and something wonderful happened to me- and now I feel more alive than all the years I claimed I knew the Lord, but was most confused and felt cut off from God. But no longer after hearing you speak about life, the law, the new covenant etc. You are breathing life into the world I pray as many as fed up as I was with so called Christianity will find the life that is coming from what you preach- just keep preaching the truth- no matter what is already out there. Your teaching lets me see how awesome the Lord plan of salvation is and it is truly amazing and wonderful the most wonderful and good news ever to come to earth. He already taken care of so much for us- I can live off such blessing for ever more- thank you- for allowing the Lord to speak through and use you. 02/21/20 Killeen, TX I am a new listener and I thank God for your teachings. You have given me new insight and perspectives on God's word. Thank you for your faithfulness. May God continue to bless you and increase your knowledge in Christ 02/06/20 Pittsburg, CA Hi Aaron! Thank you for the information and testimonies you attached, its always so encouraging to hear about how God is working in the lives of others. I heard about you from my wife actually, her name is ------. Around this time last year she was driven to absolute despair over attempting to be obedient. We both came to a better understanding of the gospel through this, and she has since made some new friends on youtube. One of the women she was speaking to recommended your teachings. We are learning a lot from them and have shared them with others as well. We have both learned so much already. I have never heard the gospel explained the way that you have explained it. We are so grateful and look forward to listening to the rest of the radio archives. We plan to offer financial support in the near future. May God continue to guide you in all that you do, and we are so excited to have a relationship with Him outside of the law. Thank you for sharing with us what God has taught and shown you. 01/18/20 Hi Ridge, MO I thank God for you and your ministry daily. You have educated me and provided guidance that no other ministry or person has ever presented to me in over 60 years. What can I say? Thank you LORD for your truth and revelations that you have shared with Aaron. And thank you Aaron for sharing with us what our GOD has personally shared with you. 01/29/20 Arlington, TX (writer was referring to grace in sentences before this...) It was just a word used in the moniker of neighboring church signs. I don't believe there was a day in my life, where fear didn't reinforce the beliefs of eternal punishment because I wasn't perfect. At least in the old Jewish law, there was a way for atonement through sacrifice. My belief is that God just gave up on me; consequently I read the scriptures through ignorance and fear. It wasn't until I heard your teaching, that I listened with skepticism yes, but with as open a heart as I could muster. Knowing of your rabbinic background, provided the way to respect and listen as the scripture you shared pointed toward Jesus and His finished work of Salvation. I cannot even count the years I believed that somehow some way I committed an unpardonable sin. Listening to the messages I heard on the radio and now website, have completely eradicated the lie of the enemy. I am still a student of the gospel...drinking daily from the water of Life. I am allowing the spirit to make manifest in me again the void I once felt that left me feeling abandoned and had believed that His spirit had left me like it did Saul. I am waking up from the nightmare of ignorance and embracing the truth through Christ in my eternal position with God. Hallelujah!!! 12/10/19 Seal Beach, CA It is very important to spread your teachings. I have been misinformed since childhood. The true meaning of the Gospel has just been revealed to me through listening to your broadcasts. 11/30/19 Las Vegas, NV I just wanted to express my sincere thanks for your ministry and the hope and encouragement your teaching of the scriptures has brought to our family. The Gospel brings life not condemnation and when scriptures are not understood in the light of the New Covenant and the assurance of Salvation and reliance on what Christ has done for us, people can feel defeated or "haunted" as one pastor said he felt when he read Hebrews 10:26&27. After listening to this man's message on sin and then hearing him quote Hebrews 10: 26 & 27 and tell his listeners how this verse "haunts" him, I can tell you that pretty much everyone listening to him will have been "haunted" too because it was a pretty defeating message if we are to believe that if we continue to sin willfully there will no longer be any sacrifice left to atone for our sins. I knew this wasn't the right interpretation of this passage because I know who we are in Christ but this man's message kind of messed with my mind because he was completely taking those two verses out of context. So I listened to your message in your radio archive that you had done in Hebrews and I re-read the whole chapter of Hebrews 10 and I could see that this was the wrong interpretation and that this was actually a very assuring scripture, assuring us of our Hope in Christ and Christ alone. Woohoo!!! Thank you Jesus! I feel frustrated when I hear messages like this, knowing there are so many people listening to messages like this one that go home defeated, thinking that they have to do something to get the sin out of their life and they focus on that instead of praising their Heavenly Father for already giving them everything they need for life and Godliness. I just needed to say, thank you Aaron, for your love of the Gospel and sharing that truth with us. 11/27/19 Manitoba, Canada Thanks again so much for your utterly enlightening teaching on forgiveness and restoration as the Gospels reveal. I'm overwhelmed at God's love, mercy, grace and loving kindness. 11/07/19 Lawndale, CA When I hear your share the Truths of our God and what He reveals to you resonates and reverberates with God's Spirit within me. I am quickened and encouraged to no end. Thank you for your faithful sharing Aaron. 10/24/19 Indo, CA Pastor Aaron, I have to tell you that I have never received our God’s word like I am now that I listen to you on the radio. It was always yes and no, and I’ll become more serious later. Now, however I have found me a living guide, and that is you. I thank God for His messenger He has sent for me to know my Lord and have the relationship that He desires for us all. So, count me in while I pray for you, me, and everyone else we know and don’t know. I cannot end this note without also giving my own personal thanks to you Mr. Aaron. 10/23/19 San Diego, CA I first heard you on the radio about a month ago when I was driving home from SF. I popped on the local Christian station and heard your broadcast and it blew my mind. I have been a Christian for many years and have had ups and downs. I have often felt like I have fallen away so far that I might really not be a follower of Jesus at all. Your teaching has been a great encouragement to me to focus on my relationship with the Lord rather than all my failures and inadequacies. I enjoy your intellectual approach and connection with the Old Covenant. 10/16/19 Quartz Hill, CA I would like to thank God for making me listen to you. I was released from the bondage of ignorance from the truth. I thank God for you who believe with conviction . I am drawn closer to my God as I continue to listen to your explanations. The truth has set me free. Thank you and may you continue to propagate the truth and touch more lives by God’s grace. 09/28/19 Tracy, CA I just want to say how much these little clips of people's transformation have been very useful to me. It would be great to put together a little booklet with all of these in it to inspire people that they aren't alone in their searching for truth. The one about the cruise ship and life boat hit me hard as that is how I felt when I first decided to follow my belief that there was something different than what my old churches taught about forgiveness and what I actually saw written in the Bible. Thank you 09/29/19 Denver, CO Thank you Pastor..! We love you and so appreciate the Truth of Gods Word and Grace. Your teaching seems to mete out the wasted years of law based programming. Your Rabbinic background solidifies the Grace message in a more convincing context..It was Gods plan. 10/09/19 Seal Beach, CA Aaron, Thank you for presenting the hope and Gospel message from a Hebrew perspective to deepen the understanding of God's nature. Southern California needs to hear it and understand the real Jesus. Not one of traditional religion but a real relationship with their savior. My heart is you will remain on the air in this area. 10/04/19 Placentia, CA I've heard a lot of different teachings in the past 10 years, some I didn't agree with. Who was I to question Pastor's who have more wisdom then myself and have been saved a lot longer. I knew in my heart they were missing God's heart or motive in some of their teachings so I would kind of just set those teachings on the shelf. Your program has not only breathed life into so many areas of my spiritual walk with the Lord Jesus, but it has also allowed me to revisit some of those teachings and finally get true understanding about them. You have confirmed many beliefs that my husband and I share. You have made sense, explained and answered questions that I couldn't get answers to before. I'm thankful that I get understanding every time you teach and break down the true context and meaning of scripture. I wanted to send this to say THANK YOU! 09/25/19 Unknown, CA I have been a listener for several years when my schedule allows me to listen. I have also listened to several podcasts online. I want to tell you a little about myself and how I benefit from your programs. I was raised in a fundamentalist church, attended Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, graduated from Denver Seminary and took several classes through Western Seminary in Michigan. I am the pastor of a small church in *****. The first thing I have to say about your ministry is, you make me think! This is one of the highest compliments I can pay anyone. Your instruction challenges my beliefs, both my spoken beliefs and my hidden, subconscious beliefs. Many times, after hearing your program, I have gone back to the Bible and to prayer to search for truth. This, in and of itself is priceless. But the second thing I want to say is even more important. You are causing me to explore and change the way I view my life in Christ. I am moving out of the shame mentality to a life of freedom and joy. Needless to say, this is also affecting my church. You have faithful listeners in Denver. Thank you for your ministry. 09/23/19 Denver, CO I know I'm unique among at least my millennial friends in listening to radio, so this might not be a common case, but pastor Budgen is the first to have addressed the subject of salvation and obedience in such clear detail that I began considering the possibility of God not requiring obedience to qualify faith as saving faith. His lessons have given me a very valuable perspective on the difference between the Old and New Testaments which I never had during my 28 years growing up in church. If it weren't for this program being on my local station, I wouldn't have looked into it, and I'd still be stressed and confused about some important points, I think. 09/19/19 La Habra Hts., CA Thank you for what you have done and what you will do with your personal unique illumination of the Living God. Your words have changed how I relate to myself, my family, coworkers and friends, and most importantly, God. What a wonderful eternal thing that is. 09/12/19 McKinney, TX I love what you’re teaching me, Aaron. In the last couple of weeks I have been listening to you, the truth of God has changed my anxieties into pure joy! I am being transformed after years of bondage. I am no longer afraid to get close to Him. I am now free to be in communion with Him. May I say that your insight into the word of God has pointed my focus on the more important things. I am now beginning to know my God. Thank you and with tears I say thank you, Aaron, and thank you Yeshua! 08/28/19 Universal City, TX I have been tuning into your radio archives for the past year. It has been a eye-opener the way you explained some of the subjects and difficult scriptures. I cannot tell you how much I have been blessed by the ways you explained and expounded the topics. You have help me tremendously in the way I now read and can understand the Bible. Thank you and may the good Lord bless your ministry. 07/24/19 Singapore What a breath of fresh air you bring in understanding God's word. I love the word and truth you bring. Don't stop. May the blessing of the almighty be with you. 07/01/19 Patterson, CA we've corresponded a few times over the years and you've been nothing but kind and helpful. i came across your show about 5 or 6 years ago. after listening to a few of the sermons, i finally decided to step into god's grace 100%. your sermon on the book of hebrews was what finally got me to make the leap and believe that the sin issue, past, present and future is over between god and i. looking back, i was a bit nervous about stepping out and away from everything i was taught or told. i compare it to being on a cruise ship my entire life. that cruise ship represents the christian church today. and all it teaches is the law. you convinced me to get in a lifeboat, paddle as far away from that ship as possible and god will meet me and guide me the rest of the way. these few years later, i laugh at how it was even hard to do what i did in the first place. but i'm way more mature now and somehow, some way, god has changed me from the inside. i've never heard from him (as far as i know). but, he's done something inside of me i can't explain. now, i'm trying my best to get to other christians who are on that cruise ship i was on, off of it. it's not easy, but i stay at it. getting people to let go of the law is turning out to be more difficult than i thought. so i just want to thank god for teaching you everything he did. and, for you not giving up. i'm sure you aren't getting the proper funding you deserve. but know this, you got to me and it's because of what you taught, i finally have the relationship with god i had always hoped for. keep at this! there has to be many others out there just like me who probably don't think you need words of encouragement. do not give up!!! 06/12/19 Wildomar, CA I joined the church at age 12. Next year I will be 60, God be willing- I lived depressed most of my Christian life and with all the religious bondage that came. What was suppose to be good news became depressing news. I literally stopped attending church several years ago. I just felt that I could never be righteous enough for heaven- But because of your ministry my entire life has changed and I accept the Forgiveness that Jesus provided to me and it freed me from years of bondage, guilt shame, I am still growing in the new understanding - so thank you so very very much for speaking this truth that indeed set one free. Now I just love being a born again Christian- I share your ministry now with anyone who cares to listen- I am often being asked what church I go to - I give them your website- I hope it is ok that I call you my pastor. May the Lord continue to use you to spread His truth- Keep preaching the truth- I am just so thankful that I stubbles across your website one day- it totally changed my life- Thank you ever so much. 06/03/19 Killeen, TX You are one of the few radio teachers that teach the Whole Truth of the Word of God, I very much appreciate your wisdom, insight and right standing on the Word. You are an inspiration to me and hope and pray that the Lord will continue to used you to teach the Front Range the Truth as we desperately need it now more than ever. 05/24/19 Colorado I happened to tune in to you radio broadcast on Monday and heard your teaching on 1John 1:9. I couldn’t believe it! What a relief it is to hear someone teach the REAL meaning and truth of this Scripture! I have understood it the way you taught it for almost 30 years now since I first surrendered my life to Christ after being convinced of my sinfulness and lostness by the book of 1John. We are certainly in the minority in our day but keep preaching Brother - people need to be set free from fear to rest in Jesus’ completed work. I’ll be tuning in as I have opportunity. Thank you for your work and may God bless you in it. 05/21/19 Smithville, TX You truly are the best, most “on point” and intense teacher I have ever heard. I love and appreciate the amount of faith in you and am inspired by your demonstrated courage about your convictions! 05/21/19 Long Beach, CA Thank you so much for all your hard work. I am learning and growing in my relationship with our Lord. I am amazed the Almighty God, Creater of all things both visable and invisable knows me, loves me and wants to actually have a relationship with me. God is Amazing! 05/17/19 Portland, OR My husband and I listen each morning, At 7am, on the way to work. It has truly blessed our walks with God . The way you break down scripture and illuminate truths is really awesome... You have opened my eyes to do many little errors in my belief and I know God has used you to show truth. Specifically; On tithing vs. Offering ....wowowowow ... I have stopped calling my offering a tithe since I heard that teaching. More importantly, your teaching on forgiveness vs salvation. The unnecessary act of continuing asking for forgiveness, God's grace, and his redemptive work on the cross.. Not atonement but propritiation.... Thank you ---we talk about the things you say, we look at the scriptures, we see it for ourselves and I can hear the holy spirits confirmation. I tell my son, who is 22, to help redirect his belief because of what we thought. People perish because of lack of knowledge and I know that can mean a totality of the word of it can just represent a perishing, a slow decline. Either way, I don't want to perish I want to thrive in my salvation. 05/18/19 Albany, NY I first heard your voice and your teachings on KBRT radio station in Orange County Ca. I instantly told my husband how amazing I felt your words of truth were and how I resonated with your passion for God. Your teachings are spot on and are among the most amazing “human” teachings I have ever heard or been personal witness to. You are a “unique voice” due to your Jewish/OT background and as an all-around God loving biblical scholar myself, it’s just a much needed and awesome “collaboration”! God is soooooo amazing and He really seems to enjoy unexpected juxtapositions...lol! I just wanted to tell you “thank you” and that I am so eternally grateful for your dedication and willingness to share your inspired words and passion. My husband listens to your broadcast on his drive home from work and has learned so much from you, as well (and continues to grow in his own faith daily). It’s so great to see. I have recently set out to go “one by one” through your archives and love listening and learning from them so much!! 05/16/19 Orange County, CA I have been listening to the daily radio editions for about 2 years after “accidentally “ finding your broadcast. I have experienced so many new connections between the Old and New Testaments that has given me a stronger faith as I am seeing the threads of Christ throughout the whole of scripture rather than as an add on because people couldn’t keep Gods laws. His plan is so much more beautiful than what I had realized in the past. Just this last week the picture of the sacrificial blood in the OT memorializing the peoples’ sin until the day Christ defeated sin. What a revelation for me. It all makes so much more sense. I don’t miss many broadcasts now. Thank you for the clarity that you present the gospel and the new connections you have made for me. 05/09/19 Los Gatos, CA I truly love your program and often tell others to make a point to listen because your teaching is awesome. Thank you for your passionate pursuit in teaching truth. 05/08/19 Unknown Location I listen almost every night at 5 p.m.!! Please stay here if at all possible as this area truly needs the truth of God's love, and it has become a time of respite for me every day as I find a place to listen in my car (or in my garden) in a place that is surrounded by nature and it is wonderful!! Honestly, yours is the only show I listen to on a regular basis. 05/08/19 Portland, OR I value Aaron Budjun’s radio ministry a great deal. I enjoy hearing the foundation and history of scripture then he relates the TRUTH about the Word of God. I have a greater appreciation for Aaron because of his testimony (converted to the faith) which makes him more credible and does not “sugar coat” the WORD. 05/09/19 Unknown Location Thank you for the work you do, it is greatly appreciated. Your program has furthered my understanding of the Gospel and the true meaning of the subject of forgiveness. 05/07/19 Woodland Park, CO Thank you for your work as the teaching Pastor of LGM and for emailing us the link to your new programs on Rewards in Heaven. The 2 messages were excellent and inspired by God. We are very grateful to you and your ability to hear from God. As I listened, I found myself in awe of God and His amazing, simple TRUTH: the one message of grace and truth and love that permeates all of Scripture. I just basically was amazed at the way you explained the wood, hay and stubble parable. You’ve done it again, Aaron. You’ve produced a series that is going to change lives!! 04/24/19 Colorado Springs, CO I am blessed and growing by hearing your teaching of God’s amazing Word on 840am. Thank you for your faithfulness to teach the Word of God. I really enjoy the fresh manna the Holy Spirit has given you:)!!! 4/24/19 Orange County, CA Thank you for the additional teaching, I look forward to listening to them. Your teaching always come with a deeper understanding of the word. I love studying your Radio Archives, there not just for listening. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and understanding, because of the Holy Ghost and you, I’m so much wiser. Wisdom has made me hunger and thirst for understanding. Keep up the good work, I and many others, truly appreciate you, and the kingdom work you’re doing. 04/18/19 Denver, CO I just want to say the last year of my life has been the most trying one I have ever had. The word of the Lord given to you and expressed to me has helped me establish the identity it takes to go through some hard things - always remembering that God created me and he purchased me (He loves me). I believe the Lord prepared me for the last year (in part) by listening to your programs for the few years preceding. 02/18/19 Highlands Ranch, CO I have been listening to your program on KCBC for about 2-3 months. I have been blessed so much by your teaching, and it has really enhanced my personal bible study. 02/17/19 Elk Grove, CA Special thanks to Aaron Budjen for his continued insight into the Scriptures. So many times the epiphany of God's truth breaks through the many years of my, "repent and obey" messages that I had received. The, "grace and mercy" revelation and "living day to day" by the guidance of the Holy Spirit have brought the Scriptures alive in my life. 01/7/19 Portland, OR I listen to your broadcast on KCBC in San Francisco. Your teaching has been revolutionary in my relationship with the Lord. I knew there were things keeping me from a deep relationship with Him but I never understood what it was. 01/22/19 San Francisco, CA I am so grateful for your ministry! I attended a church for many years where false teaching and extortion was the norm. My friend also attended that church and shortly after we both (along with our families) escaped, she discovered your program on 770 AM in our area in the central valley of California. We frequently call each other and exclaim, "He's blowing my mind!" as we catch your program while driving or by going to your website. 01/16/19 Denair, CA Over the past few years I have heard Aaron's teachings from time to time on the local radio. Just recently I started really getting into his teachings on his websites radio archive. As a result, at this time I've listened to around 60 hours or so of teachings. One day I was listening to his teachings on the gift of "tongues". He related a story about a situation were someone had thought they were speaking blessings over someone in an unknown language, when in reality they were speaking curses over the person in Hebrew. This interested me because I "learned" to speak in tongues from church leaders growing up. I felt the urge to investigate. I decided to download a translation app for my phone and speak my tongue into it and see what happened. What I learned startled me. It turned out that the tongue was esteeming false gods in the Arabic language. Needless to say, I was very concerned. I have decided that speaking in unknown tongues can have great risks and may not be ideal for the worship of God. I'm anticipating the Lord to reveal to me greater understanding of this situation in the future and the implications it has on my relationship with Him. I'm excited that the Living God interacted with me and is leading me into greater truth! 01/11/19 Westminster, CA Your teaching ministry has helped to bring a beautiful light into my understanding of who God is in my life. I previously saw Him as distant and disgusted with me. Depression has been my constant companion for as long as I can remember. I am 61. Glory to God he has now given me hope and peace in my old age. He has done this through your teachings. You explain God's Word in a way that brings hope. Probably because you are explaining the truth - you are explaining Christ. 01/08/19 San Diego, CA Your message never gets old. I finally have freedom, peace and joy. Thank you for speaking truth regardless of the cost. 12/26/18 Colorado Springs, CO Best Teaching Ever! Thank You! 12/26/18 West Allis, WI Thank you for teaching the good news for what it is. Good news. I really appreciate listening to all your archives and love that you lecture and teach, not just preach. To be able to learn and better understand where things, practices, traditions, come from is very important to me. I am 23 years old, and want to say thank you. Even though I am only a wise guy... you are a wise man. 12/11/18 Unknown Location I really did dislike your programs at first, because I didn't really understand what you meant by grace, I feel God has revealed more of his character through your broadcasts. I have only been working on my relationship with God for the last ~5 years, I have always been a believer but never worked on the relationship or really understood anything. Throughout that time I have felt like I have built a foundation in Christ only to have it knocked completely down, and each time it's pretty hard to accept. When I first started listening to you I believe that God forgave us for all our sins but I thought it was important to represent God through our character, I had not heard your viewpoint on grace yet and some of your arguments against good works really upset me. You seemed intelligent and as I have with many people passionate with God I like to hear them out to see how they got to their conclusions so I can try to see things from their perspective and decide if I agree with them or not. As I discovered your complete viewpoint on grace it makes sense. It is interesting how through words most pastors agree with you but then they go into good works that they encourage. 12/06/18 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA Thank you for the update. For what it’s worth, I truly appreciate your ministry and the teachings you provide...they are helping me to see the Lord in a refreshing light. I thank God for what he is doing through you! 12/06/18 San Antonio, TX I've started to listen to some of your programs after some time away from bible studies. And I must say I have been really blessed by your teachings. I've been inspired to go and read for myself and gain clarity on some touchy topics... like tithing, for example. 12/06/18 Melbourne, Australia ... I found out how a lot of people who claim to be born again are really still dead ... Your ministry has completely changed my life. I know our God more now than ever but still don't know enough. I enjoy your messages so much. You're a true blessing to me. I am so thankful for you. I pray and attempt to pass your ministry along and haven't had much success. People don't seem to care to listen. I feel bad for them. 11/20/18 Troy, NY I want to encourage you that you are making a huge (foundational) difference in people’s lives. I can’t quantify that, but everyone around me that I’ve shared your podcasts with has had the same reaction and has increased knowledge of the character of God. These are men that have been leaders in ‘churches’ all their lives. We have some ‘man time’ each Tuesday to discuss life and the struggles we all face. Your perspectives has changed the depth of our Tuesday Men’s Night gatherings in a priceless way. I can point to just 2 people in my life that have increased my understanding of the Lord in a profound way. My high school girlfriend’s father who led me to the Lord (actually lived his faith) and YOU (who showed me the nature and character of God that I’m not sure I would have seen in a lifetime of simply reading scripture). THANK YOU 11/13/18 San Antonio, TX I have been listening to the radio programs for two and a half years now but mostly I get your teachings from the website archives hardly a weekday goes by that I don’t listen to a program going to work and one coming home. I believed I have matured in Christ in these past couple of years far greater than in the first 16 years when I gave my heart to Christ. I can say with confidence that I am getting to know the Lord. 11/07/18 Paradise, TX I was happ to receive CD's, more than the one I requested. Thank you so much. I happened to listen to ou while I was listening in the car when driving. I was so moved by your teaching on, The woman Caught in Adultery" that I wanted to hear it again and again. I am now listening to your broadcast each night in the house. 10/05/18 Calimesa, CA I want to thank God for you and encourage you that the insight and messages that you are giving have allowed me to enter into His rest. I don’t know how to explain the joy and peace that I now have. It was about a year ago that I started to hear your broadcast on WDCD FM in the Albany, NY area at 10 pm. I was coming home from a weekly Friday evening men’s fellowship when I heard you. I primarily now listen to the messages you have on the website and I have been listening to the teaching in the book of Hebrews (I download it because I play each over numerous time, and I know this saves on the cost of bandwidth). These teachings have confirmed and greatly clarified what has been in my spirit and mind for a while. I knew mentally that “it is finished”, that I have been forgiven of all my sins. Your background and study brings new light. I no longer am at war with the sin in me, trying to figure out how to beat it, but now I am learning and understanding how His love compels me to love Him. 10/08/18 Mechanicville, NY I became a believer in 1999. I recently heard about your ministry from my mentor, and started to listen to your preaching from your website. I am so grateful for your ministry. One week after I started listening, I feel the Lord is transforming me from inside. I listened to your sermons on Understanding Forgiveness, and I found rest, peace, gratitude and unspeakable joy in my heart. I am very thankful for your boldness to speak the truth, because truth indeed sets us free! Some of the things you share are shaking some of the fundamental beliefs I hold most of my Christian life. I do appreciate the fact that your try to teach the scriptures from a Jewdiac and historical perspective, which brings a lot of fullness, richness and life into the scriptures. 10/05/18 San Francisco, CA Pastor Aaron, I left a Christian "cult" religion that I had been raised in my whole life, and after leaving, I had to evaluate what truth is, and what the Gospel really is. I spent a lot of time and research, praying and pondering, etc. I have been listening to you for 2 years and encourage my family to also go through your online radio broadcast with me. I believe your perspective of the Gospel is the way God intended it. I really can't put into words how much concepts and messages mean to me, and how they make so much sense, and how they help me to understand God and form my relationship with Him. I am so glad of what you personally went through in your life, that gave you your understanding and experiences, so that the world can benefit. I was in a harder place than perhaps one who had never had the Gospel to begin with. So many falsehoods and incorrect doctrines and the control issues that go along with many "organized" religions. I had to completely dissect and reevaluate every gospel precept. Your archive is in depth and explains every aspect and concept from historical origins and why the law and grace were given. All of the gospel points and how they apply, make so much sense now. 'can't thank you enough' !!! My family and I are """thriving in the Lord'''''. ?? ...what a weird statement, yet although being raised Christian, I never felt in my whole life that I was saved or had a relationship with God until now. 10/10/18 Beaverton, OR Comment by Aaron: The following letter is longer than the ones normally included in this listing, but several parts of it are reflective of other recent letters that have not been included here. I don't remember the exact date I first heard one of your messages but it was around mid July, so approximately 2 months. I got in my car after work and my radio was tuned to 1360AM KPXQ Faith Talk. You were already on so I came in about halfway through the message. I heard you talking about not living a life of obedience, indulging the flesh, not living according to the law, needing more sin in your life, etc... At first I thought to myself, "what kind of stuff are they putting on this station?". But the more I listened a different kind of fear came over me. I realized I had first heard you out of context and that I needed to hear more to fully comprehend what you were saying. A couple days later, I asked some people at my church about you via a text message and no one ever replied. I googled you and couldn't really find anything out about you that way either. After hearing a few more of your messages over the next couple weeks I decided to go to your website and read how you became a Christian, how you describe the Gospel, and just to scope things out in general. The whole time I was thinking about 1 John 4:1-6. As you already know, there are not that many people that say the kinds of things you say. In fact, I don't know anyone else, but I'm sure there are some people out there. So I hope you can appreciate my initial apprehension and fear. I became a Christian when I was 31 and first started attending a non denominational/seeker-friendly church for about 3 years. I'm 37 now and I have been attending a reformed church for the past 3.5 years. I've also been apart of a small home group that meets once a week to discuss the sermons we hear on Sundays and if time permits, any issues we're having in our lives. I tell you this so you can have a good idea where I'm at. The first person I talked to about your messages was my wife. I explained to her that I have been living under the law and didn't know it. I explained that if we try to live any part of our lives under the law that we are living under the law and that we will never come to know Jesus that way. She got it but I don't think she understood why this was such a big deal to me. Like I had an epiphany. She said she knew we weren't supposed to live according to the law. Long story short, she agreed with what I was relaying to her and was generally surprised that this seemed new to me. Unfortunately, I bought into reformed theology. I thought that if Christ chose me, then He would eventually "fix" me. He would stop me from sinning. That I would become a better person. I wondered why that wasn't happening. Why I wasn't getting better at removing sin in general and a very specific sin out of my life and why at times that specific sin just got worse. Though reformed theology does teach you can't lose your salvation, sometimes I doubted it and or wondered if I was even saved. And I definitely didn't feel close to Jesus. I was ashamed and defeated. My church says that we are forgiven but then they say things that imply we have to do this or that or else we're not forgiven. They may not say that directly but indirectly that's the implication. As you are well aware, reformed theology teaches He didn't die for the sins of the whole world, that He only died for the sins of the chosen. But when you explained He did die to cover and remove the debt and then offer His Spirit of Life, to everyone, not just a select chosen few, it made complete sense! He is still in control! He is still God! He doesn't have to make me a robot to save me. The weight of my sins and the weight of the law, that I thought I was doing OK at following, fell off me and I'm finally starting to feel what it's like to rest and trust in Him. Thank you so much for helping me understand Jesus better! It's difficult to explain in words how life changing your messages have been for me. I feel like I'm starting over in this journey. I'm a newborn. 09/18/18 Phoenix, AZ My husband and I often download your teachings and listen to them with great interest. So many, many times God has spoken to us through your teaching--thank you, thank you, thank you! Last week we listened to your teaching on Nathaneal under the fig tree and it made sense for the first time. Later the same day we were discussing Leviticus 19 and feeling the usual guilt for being Christians but still not being able to do as much of the law of Moses as we thought we should. Then we listened to your message on new cloth on old robes/new wine in old wineskins and you addressed almost word for word the concerns we had with Leviticus 19! This was moments after our discussion so the timing was divinely inspired. God saw us under our own fig tree and spoke life into our lives through your message. I can't tell you how much this meant to us. We are in the greatest crisis of our lives and desperately need to hear God speak to us. Thank you for being obedient to our Lord and faithfully giving new light on His word. 09/16/18 Unknown Location ... His teacings have given me a lot of understanding and growth in grace, forgiveness, and so much more. Thank you for all the effort the ministries have done for me and others. 8/31/18 Troutdale, OR I was just talking to a believer about the truths of God that I understand, and I told him a little about my life’s story. Afterwards, I thought that I don’t think I ever told you, since I can pinpoint a very key turning point to one of your programs. About 10 or so years ago I was unhappily attending a Baptist church with a pastor who knew nothing. In my own reading/thoughts, I was really stuck on the sermon on the mount. Something happened in the church and my wife finally wanted to leave - and I was glad. But I said that is it, I’m not going to church anymore. I have been to a variety of churches most of my life, but never really got fully indoctrinated (maybe because, it seems in my life, I have always been easily overlooked, maybe because I’m quiet?). Anyway, I talked to the Lord, ‘I do not understand this. I should be gouging out my eyes, etc…, but I don’t feel like you are leading me to do that. I don’t know what to do so I’m going to stop, and be quiet.’ Well, one day I heard Bob George on the radio talking, and it was different than anything I had heard. I bought his book and it started opening my eyes. Then a little later I think I heard you on the radio. And somehow I heard the sermon on the mount series. When you described the order of the 2 covenant’s (how Jesus was still teaching the Law until he was raised), that was it!! The instant you made that point I was agreeing and my mind and heart just rejoiced! So I want to thank you again. I love what you do. I wish I could give more to help get the word out. You never know when someone is listening in their car. On the other hand, it is such a shame that there are so many sad, dead churches that are teaching the old covenant, suppressing the truth. Either way the darker it is the more powerful the light is. Thank you so much for making such great programs practically single handedly and free to all!!! Your work should really be broadcasted everywhere. At times, over the years, I think I can see the impact of your programs in the religious world. 08/23/18 Loveland, CO Growing up in a "Christian" home, I wasn't ever exposed to this truly Christocentric teaching. People to people groomed me for your understanding of Jesus somewhat, but your austere and clear method of teaching demystified the message in a way that really worked for me. Keep up the great work. 8/22/18 Unknown Location I also wanted to let you know that my husband and I have learned so much from you and your teaching has been such a blessing in our lives. We are currently doing an in home Bible Study on the book of Romans. I have to tell you that after listening to many of your broadcasts and recordings on the book and other teachings on law and grace, the scriptures appear dance across the pages because of the level of understanding. My heart is filled with so much joy that is indescribable. We thank Our Heavenly Father for you and your ministry and pray He continues to bless you. 08/10/18 Orangevale, CA Thank you so much Aaron for your teachings. Your insight is so refreshing and helpful. I thank GOd always for the work you and your staff do. I have come to understand and see so many blessings I have been blind to for so long. Amazing love! Our God and Savior are simply awesome 07/30/18 Santa Rosa, CA Since I started listening to your radio program a year and a half ago my whole life has been changed because God has revealed the truth about Himself to me through your teaching! And I’ve been a Christian for over 30 years…but now I know that I didn’t really know my God like I thought I did. What a treasure He is! And what a blessing you are! Thank you for so clearly exposing my misbeliefs and fearlessly tearing down the barriers that my church was teaching me. 07/17/18 Phoenix, AZ Thank you for your broadcast on KBRT 740 AM and surrounding areas. I love your program. I appreciate the knowledge, insights and clear communication that Aaron Budjen shares in his broadcast, which has stretched and grown my faith in God and my relationship with Jesus. Please continue to broadcast and know that your love and service for God's Kingdom is valued by me and I know many others. 06/21/18 Orange County, CA I have been listening for several months, and am learning so much! Sometimes what you say is "shocking", but then it all fits. I feel so free and accepted in a way I never know before. And finally growing, instead of just being on that wheel going around and around. 6/15/18 Colorado Springs, CO Listening to you has taught me to love God deeper and to trust in His salvation even more than I did before. I feel like I know God better than I did before, listening to you, has opened my eyes and blown my mind to how much God truly loves us. Thank you my brother for giving to us what God has given to you. 06/12/18 Phoenix, AZ Thank you so much for your teaching. I have learned many things from you, but the one thing I treasure the most is that all my sins have been totally forgiven. I do not have to prove myself to God, because He loves me as I am. His work of propitiation is forever! Thank you! God Bless you! 06/01/18 Las Vegas, NV I was raised in a church my whole life but did not feel I truly gave myself or truly accepted the Lord until recently. I believe your ministry truly brings people to a true and pure relationship to our Lord. Throughout my recent journey unto acceptance and real relationship with Christ, your ministry has been my “Go-to” for guidance. Raised in a religion which I now see as a cult, I have had to analyze every aspect of my beliefs and decide what is truly correct. In my opinion, with your personal background and insight, your messages are on point on every issue. Re-evaluating gospel concepts, I have been able to receive a deep and pure meaning through your archives. Additionally, I have been able to understand, through your work, so much more of the symbolisms and meanings of Christ’s ministry. There are many “hidden meanings” in what He did that many people, as well as clergy, never see. Everyone hears of the Bible stories yet no one else has ever uncovered the deep meanings that are contained. I feel very privileged to listen and hear your messages. With your unique background and conversion story, it seems like I’m listening to someone who was around during the time of the Lord and perhaps walked and talked with Him. I am thankful for you, your team, and your ministry. 05/29/18 Beaverton, OR And just for humor, to see if anyone is reading these, I think you will really enjoy this one: I think you’re conflating salvation, and the “behavior” that results in it, with the behavior of the believer following justification. Obviously, you’re message emphasizes the salvation message and the forgiveness and mercy of God. In this you are correct. However, following conversion, it is the task of the Christ-follower to act in obedience to the commands of his Lord. These are not inconsistent ideas. Pre-Believing: Nothing I do makes any difference beside believing in Him. Post-Believing: Everything He said I should do because I need to do in obedience to Him and for His Kingdom. 05/25/18 Unknown Location Thank you, Aaron, for your faithfulness to God's calling. Your teaching has opened my eyes to the fact that Jesus paid the full price for my salvation and that I have absolutely nothing of value to earn His grace and His love. What an incredible gift. 05/15/18 Colorado Springs, CO Every time I read your work or listen to your programs, I am in awe how God speaks to me through your work. I know you have said that you don’t need my acceptance nor compliments, as God gives you what you need. I know you don’t need these things, nor can boast that you received a compliment from someone you don’t know. However, I need to thank you for the effort you make to share what you know with the world. You have no idea what it means to me. 05/01/18 Vancouver, WA Because of you many Christians have come to know about the New Covenant and the Hebraic way that you teach the Scriptures. I know I never did and I thank the Lord for all He has done for me. Hope you can stay on the radio here in LA. 04/28/18 Long Beach, CA Hope all is well with you. I wanted to touch base with you about your message i heard this morning via radio about 'war'. The way you meshed the spiritual warfare with the earthly warfare was AMAZING to say the least. There are no words to express how spot on, how simplistic and how clearly you presented that message!! One of your best. (altho you have many). When i listen to your messages, I always walk away feeling like a veil has been lifted and i see things, and my God more clearly. 04/19/18 Schenectady, NY I wanted to let you know that I have been listening to KCBC and your radio ministry every morning Monday through Friday on my drive to work for almost a year now. I have been a Christian and been seeking/ walking with the Lord for many years prior to this; your introductory comments about your ministry coincides with my life verse of "seeking the Truth so the Truth can set me free". There are times when I don't understand immediately or disagree with your views and this challenges me to look at the Bible and to look deep within my spirit to seek for confirmation of God's word/truth. I know you are sharing the Truth because the Holy Spirit inside of me confirms it as well. As a result, I have greater discernment, developed a deeper understanding of God's word and feel like God has used your material to draw me closer in my personal relationship/understanding of Him. I appreciate the thoroughness, precision and depth of insight of your analytical thinking/understanding of Scripture. I think your framework and explanation of our need for salvation is the clearest/most consistent one I have heard. I have benefited greatly from looking at the Bible from your Judeo-Christian, cultural and historical perspective. Another thing I appreciate about you is your integrity, boldness, honesty and willingness to look into Biblical issues that can be messy or controvertial, such as -for example- your sharing your belief that the Apostles were not all in agreement or in the same level of understanding about the implications of the Gospel. 04/15/18 Central California Aaron, you just said such a profound truth: “It is about making daily life decisions according to what He already did for us.” That is the essence of living a life of dependency on Him. I hear God speaking to me through those words and encouraging me on the journey! Your description of how the Lord has worked in you is a great testimony to God’s love and faithfulness. 04/14/18 Sacramento, CA I have been listening for quite awhile know on 100.7 The Word in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I work nights so I listen on my way to work at 6pm. I really look forward to your show as it helps me start my night off on the right foot and increases my belief. To me you make the Bible easy to understand and believe in. I would be very disappointed if you stopped broadcasting in this area. I wish I lived in your area so I could hear your sermons on Sundays. Thank You so much for all you do and please continue spreading the word. I really feel your teachings can convince a non believer that Jesus is real and is the True Savior. I too am also a convert from the Jewish Faith that accepted Christ as my Savior 15 years ago. 04/03/18 Little Elm, TX My wife and I try every day to listen to your radio ministry. We really like your Jewish insight into God's word and the depth of your subjects. Nowhere else have we heard anyone presenting the word in this manor. May God continue to bless your work, and everyone who supports it. 04/03/18 Milwaukie, OR We want to thank you for your ministry. We have been listening in Dallas for the last couple of years and have had many questions answered that we have struggled with for years. Thank you for helping us grow in our relationship with Christ. 4/2/18 Dallas, TX I am a consistent listener to the online recordings found in the website for Living God Ministries. I am pleased to say, I refer Living God Ministries to as many friend and family as I possibly can because I am experiencing the best relationship with the Lord that I have ever had in my life. I walk in more peace now than I ever have previously. Numerous scriptures I've struggled with in the past now make sense to me. Before I had numerous questions that were never resolved in my mind and it was very frustrating. Since listening to your teachings, It is worth repeating, I've had so many questions answered by you it is actually refreshing that settle some of my concerning questions about really hard to understand scriptures. For example I have found that the scriptures I used to find complicated or confusing are actually the ones that now make the most sense to me. For example, the Forgiveness series, Tithing, the Three Days and Three Nights and many others. I will continue to study and absorb as many of these lessons as I possibly can. It's a pleasant surprise to many of my friends that your teachings are completely free. They've never heard of such a thing, especially after being exposed to numerous forms of manipulation from other pastors/churches to get their hard earned money. Thank you for all you are doing for The Kingdom! We all are very fortunate to have you as a Christian Brother! 3/29/18 Colorado Springs, CO Thank you so much for all the work you do. I’m in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and look forward to listening to you in my car every day during my lunch break at work... I can’t tell you how much your ministry has opened my eyes to the truth. It has given me the talking points, the framework of mind, and the confidence to share the gospel in a way that wakes people up. 3/26/18 Milwaukee, WI I've been listening to your radio program on KCBC AM 770 for about 3 years now, during my morning commute time. The commute very seldom allows me to hear the entire 30-minutes, but usually the first 10-15, and it's enough that i've truly been blessed- actually had a solid faith & understanding of the Gospel tweaked to be a lot more refined! This has shown up quite profoundly in my daily walk & relationship with the Lord. For decades i'd struggled with the "conventional" application of the forgiveness He has given, having been marinated in the A-C-T-S formula for continually re-receiving forgiveness, yet strongly sensing in my guts that the guilt-cycle & oppressive sense that you're usually "failing" at the walk of faith was NOT what the Lord wanted for us! Your program has served to break that guilt-cycle, and has restored a joy-of-salvation that is now lasting- no longer intermittent! Equally revolutionary, as well as equally freeing & truly empowering, was the refinement in understanding of the Spirit's role in all of this. I *knew* He was there, dwelling within & moving me, moving in-and-around my life & circumstances- but His voice was so often masked by the static of "churchianity" confusion & the recurring guilt-cycle that it was difficult to get & maintain traction on what He had accomplished historically in the man-God relationship, what He was now doing, and the fruit He wanted to grow in me personally. All this to say i've very much appreciated your program, and am eagerly seeking ways to not only LIVE in these truths, but to export them to believers around me who have struggled as i have with "the faith" as conventionally dispensed. 3/26/18 Hollister, CA I feel like I need to share that your series on forgiveness has been life changing to me. I grew up in the church, accepted Christ as a child (now 40). However I grew up living in constant guilt and shame repeating the cycle of asking God for forgiveness, worried about where I stand with Him. The same scriptures you discussed were always used against me to produce the guilt and shame. We finally left the church as a family feeling lost and confused. Anyway, now for the first time in my life I feel Gods acceptance and love. I am now excited about the future path that the Lord leads me on knowing that it’s not based on what I do, but on what He has already done. Thank you again for all you do, you are a true blessing! 3/30/18 Unknown Location I endured very physically challenging medical issues that kept me awake every night for 8 months in 2016, and your programs were what I listened to during those waking hours. Through the painful circumstances, I focused my eyes on my God, and He kept me going and repeatedly kept showing me who He is. I originally found your program on the radio, and it was like discovering the missing puzzle piece that I had been searching for. You were teaching what I could never quite articulate. I never agreed with what I now call the “Old-New Covenant Hybrid”. Your ministry has positively affected not just me, but my entire family. I cannot thank you enough. 3/2/18 San Antonio, TX I appreciate your clear, straightforward presentation. I especially appreciate the historical and cultural perspective, a perspective that was sadly lacking in the Protestant teaching that I had had all my life. (I am now 60 years old.) I am currently working through all of the radio archives in order. I have learned and am learning so much from you. I have read the entire Old Testament and have almost completed the New Testament. When I am finished I will begin at the beginning again, and will have more understanding. You are one of the best teachers I have ever heard; I thank God for this opportunity to learn from you. 2/23/18 Imperial Beach, CA I have been a Christian close to 55 yrs. There were things I was taught about works and forgiveness that were just so vague. No one could give me a clear answer. When I started listening to your Scripture readings (which took very little additional explanation from you, so its not as though you are interpreting it to fit your need for power & financial gain) it was as though I had been working on a puzzle which suddenly all fell into place. My spirit felt a rush of peace and completion. I now know what God meant when He said we would have rest and peace. It is as though a door to a whole new world has been thrown open. Now I am painfully aware of how many preachers and teachers can't let go of the works and the whole "formula for forgiveness." Thank you, thank you, for all your study and sharing. Know that God uses you to turn on the light switch for so many of us. 2/15/18 Colorado Springs, CO The difference your definition and explanation of the Gospel has made in my life (and consequently [to varying degrees] to the lives of those around me) is unquantifiable. Thank you. 2/14/18 Mechanicville, NY You have greatly helped me understand about law and grace, and to rest in His forgiveness, to really believe it. I have read the Scriptures for most of my life, but see now that I had not been living in true faith in His love and acceptance. What a difference! 2/1/18 Hillsboro, OR I have been listening for about a year on KCBC San Francisco and from the Radio Archive on-line. Your interpretation of the scripture and the true message of the Gospel concerning the relationship we should enjoy with our living God resonates with the truth I have been searching for. It has helped me break away from the miserable state of doubt and struggle with forgiveness and salvation brought on by years of Christianism “theological game theory”. Freedom to enjoy our living God is really beautiful! True inner joy has given me a new and simple way to share the Gospel. 12/18/17 Santa Rosa, CA I've been a regular listener to your programs for the last year and half or so. Over the last 6-months I've found your radio archives very beneficial when taking the dogs for long walks. Now after listening to your teaching on Forgiveness,The Will of God and may others, I listen so much more intently to other teaching and to God while studding the Bible. I love the way you explain the complete Gospel message. Your teaching has helped to open my mind and heart to so many more truths of God. 12/12/17 Colorado Springs, CO I knew the Lord was telling me to listen. At the time I was really grappling with the issue of forgiveness due to a painful situation with a very close friend of 26yrs…and you just happened to be teaching a series on ‘Forgiveness’ that day. Although I’ve taught on that very subject numerous times in my 20yrs of ministry, the Lord really grabbed my heart through your teaching. At the end of the program, right after I punched in your website info into my phone, my wife pulled up with the gas and I was back on the road. Since then, I’ve gone through quite a number of your teachings and the Lord has used them to bring me back to the basics of the Gospel and my 'first love’. I have always believed and taught ‘Grace through Faith’ ever since my conversion in ****, but after coming across some of your teachings recently, the Lord has really renewed my conviction to double back on those truths with added depth and make them my primary focus. 12/12/17 McKinney, TX Your series on tithing was intriguing to me, so went online and download the series. I continued to listen to the the series on baptism, but It was not until after teaching a Sunday school lesson on Acts 15 that the Holy Spirit, while listening to the baptism series, gave me the revelation of the difference between law and grace. I have since listened to all the programs, and now going through them a second time. Is a new way of life I am experiencing now, and appreciate all you do to the teaching of the truth. God bless your ministry and may we continue to grow in the knowledge of God. 12/11/17 Balch Springs, TX I am very appreciative of you and the ministry! Simply put, the Bible, whether as a whole or in specific passages, now makes so much more sense when I read it. This is due to the teaching I have received from Living God Ministries. As a result of what the Lord is in fact teaching me, my personal relationship with God has increased exponentially as well. I am hopeful on a daily basis that the Lord will use me to encourage others to get to know, develop, and grow a personal friendship with Him. 11/15/17 Spring Valley, CA Thanks for adding me to the list. I've been listening for a couple years now. Love the programs. I've been a Christian most of my life, but I've learned a lot from your ministry that I've never been taught. Keep up the good work! 11/11/17 Carrollton, TX That is exactly where I went wrong. I thought we were grafted into root Israel, but as you said the branches were broken off, and we were grafted into Messiah. This has been a big issue in my life, one that has held me in bondage, even though I could see other things. I was wanting to be obedient to the Law, but as you rightly state, one can't, and I know that from my trying, and it does lead you to despair. Even though I understood the Sabbath rest I still wanted to obey this everlasting covenant bit. I couldn't resolve this everlasting covenant either till I just listened to you on Everlasting covenant. So a very big thank you. 11/3/17 Yeadon, United Kingdom I have been listening for a little over half a year. I pray the Lord continues to keep you grounded in the work you are doing, because it is fantastic to hear the message of Forgiveness. Additionally, the historical context along with the Hebrew language context you give to the Bible is some of the most valuable teaching I have heard. I am just under 50 and have studied on and off my whole life, but I have rarely heard anyone so fully explain the true nature of the cross and forgiveness. I have never heard anyone tell the Cain account from the perspective you give, or the historical facts around the Messiah and what the Jews of the day were taught about the Messiah. 10/25/17 Nassau, NY I have never been encouraged to get to know God personally as you continue to encourage me in your teaching. Having had a mixed background of growing up in a terrifying charismatic church as a child to being beaten up by baptists, dispensationalists and EV free church teachings as an adult, I have been wandering in a spiritual wilderness most of my life (and needed a lot of sin to survive along the way). It is very refreshing to hear you represent and re-present the basic truths and reality of God's love, forgiveness, the gospel, the new covenant, the fullness of restoration of life by the HS, and the book studies in new and very meaningful ways. I have been bound up and discouraged for so much of my life and now I am finally beginning to truly experience some freedom and peace, and this has been a result of your teaching and ministry. 10/25/17 Denver, CO Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus, I have come across your teachings by the Grace of God and I just wanted to let you know what a blessing it is! Thank you so much for sharing it and God bless you. I was listening to many of your teachings and they are confirmations to me, the Flower story is so precious. And, I am sharing them on Facebook with hope that it will bless others too. 10/25/17 Los Abrigos, Spain Thank you, thank you, thank youfor liberating me to know and enjoy my God. I came from muslim background, from somalia, and have been a Christian for twenty some years, but have never grown in my faith till I came to your radio teaching in Costa Mesa, CA. I have been enlightened and growing in grace. Thank you so much dear brother. 10/24/17 Costa Mesa, CA ... but I'm so thankful for your ministry that preaches important Jewish background and meaning that is never revealed in modern evangelicalism, or in seminary!! This is foundational teaching and although I've had a similar view of forgiveness and 1 Jn. 1:9, Aaron provided a more complete context from Genesis that gave me such a thankfulness to our God that it's been no less than revolutionary! 10/24/17 Sacramento, CA Thank you for your teachings. It has and is truly setting me free after years of being trapped in works. I was trapped in a religious mind set until a few months ago. I have not idea for how long. When I realized that I was religious, God lead me to your broadcast. I have accessed your archive and listen on th eradio when I can. This is setting me free, although I know I still have a ways to go. Again, thank you. I hope more people will find you. I point people to you often. 10/14/17 West Allis, WI I just want to thank yo ufor your free teachings on the radio archives. I have a different understanding of the Gospel. I feel free and at peace with myself knowing what jesus did on the cross for me and the rest of humanity. Jesus' resurection has a new meaning to me. The restoration of the Holy Spirit and making us spiritually alive to have a unique relationship with our heavenly Father. I am able to share the Gospel with others in this manner. 10/13/17 Chula Vista, CA Thank you so much for your wonderful ministry. My wife eagerly listens to your daily radio broadcasts. Your sermons that teach the word in truth are very enlightening. Thank you for telling the truths that other pastors are afraid to tell. 8/1/17 Falcon, CO I just heard your radio program and wanted to tell you how anointed it was. It got to a point where I couldn't even hear a word because I was so filled with the presence of God. Keep broadcasting this freedom in Christ wow! Thank you 7/17/17 Unknown Location I began my walk with the Lord a little over two years ago, and I am still learning. Aaron's perspective and insight have helped me to understand many parts of the bible I would otherwise have missed out on. 6/13/17 Sacramento, CA I hope you know how amazing these broadcasts are to hear and how much it has opened my heart and mind so that I can have a greater relationship with God. I have shared this website with many others. And have had only positive feedback. Thank you for your hard work. 6/27/17 Spanish Fort, AL Hi, my name is Sean. I live in massachusetts. I absolutely love Aarons programs. Ive been listening to the radio archives and as a result i have found i have, more understanding of the Gospel, and a better relationship with God because of the programs. I sent out the link to your site on my Facebook page so that others could have more understanding about God and a better relationship with him, and hopefully salvation for those who currently dont believe. I know these programs will help them. ... Im 42. Been a believer in Jesus for most of my life but it wasnt till i started listening to these programs that i began to have a better relationship with God. So Thank you. 6/12/17 Massachusetts My name is Dorian Valan and I live in Austria. I have started listening to your radio archives teachings 7 days ago and I really enjoy them. The historical judaic background approach brings a good insight and helps me to better understand the biblical teachings. Thank you for this. Please continue to do that and may God bless you. 6/12/17 Austria I wanted to reach out and thank you for your excellent teaching. I've been "wandering in the wilderness" for decades, but no longer! I deeply thank God for introducing me to your work and I share it with all my friends. Many of them are listening to your teachings as eagerly as I am. 6/5/17 Castroville, TX Thank you Aaron and all of the staff for the video message "The Gospel." As I listened I kept asking myself why couldn't I have had heard such a pure and profound sermon about God and the Gospel of Christ those many, many years ago. For countless years I kept reviewing the time I "went forward" for the altar call--was it in the exact manner necessary to be saved--did I miss any of the "right" steps or procedures? Did I say the right things? Did I actually get "saved?" And years later if pressed, could I name the date, place and time God saved me through Christ? --Sounds like "works" to me, as if "my acts" were the saving elements. All of these issues pointed to either my complete ignorance (which I had) or that the Gospel truth and its message was not presented clearly enough that even a teenage me of 16 years could understand and act upon Christ's call with understanding. All I knew at the time of my "going forward" was that I had loved Christ from my early childhood, but had NEVER heard anything about Salvation and knew absolutely nothing about it. But I went forward because I couldn't bear to think that I might not spend eternity with Christ. Unfortunately, nothing was explained or made clear about the Gospel. The necessary "discipleship" was not explained or offered. The resultant years of confusion was in part my fault and in greater part the fault the "pastor(s)" who did or could not make clear the reasons, the truth and the nature of Christ's call for one's redemption; although there was a lot of reliance upon "going forward" as the evidence of one's salvation, as well as a "confirmation" that one's salvation was "proven" because one could name the date, time and place of their "going forward for the salvation-experience." Oh the price of error! How great and merciful is our God to have preserved my life until at last I understood and was saved! Therefore, I thank you and your staff for revealing the truth of the Gospel and the unfathomable mercy of God through "Living God Ministries." 6/3/17 Burnet, TX I wanted to write to you to let you know how much your ( Aaron's) Holy Spirit revelatory teachings are filling in the blanks, tearing down sacred cows and setting me free from years of misunderstanding and misapplication of the scriptures. I always knew God's love was so tremendous for me and others, but then through the accepted church doctrines I would be dragged back under the Law and confusion would set in again. When I found your website and started to listen to you teach, rightly dividing the truth from the lies of the enemy, I began to experience, such joy, hope, thankfulness, peace, relief, and praise to God for His matchless Love. It is truly changing everything for me! Especially the teaching on forgiveness; I now understand why I lived a self-defeating life...it truly was keeping me in bondage and paralyzing me. I had already given up the whole sin, confesssion, forgiveness cycle you spoke of, because it just wasn't working; even counterproductive. Your explanation brought such clarity to my heart and mind. Through this full understanding of God's forgiveness, I am now empowered to be truly forgiven and to truly forgive others. Hallelujah! I thank God and I thank you for your obedience. I have been listening to your teachings as one who is parched for the water of Life which is the Truth concerning God's love and our great inheritance. I appreciate all you have gone through to become this person who has stood against the deception of the enemy and the false doctrines in the church. I can't even imagine the wrath that the enemy has attacked you with. My heart is grieved that so many believers and unbelievers are not taught the truth, but this mixture of law and grace. A new boldness has come on me to engage people with the gospel and I will be encouraging others to listen to your teachings, pray for your ministry and in God's timing, bless this vital ministry. By the way, the teaching on tithing was very enlightening too, as were all the other's I've listented to up to this point. 5/27/17 Schertz, TX Dear Aaron, I look forward to your broadcast every day! My wife and I both listen and discuss afterward. We both agree to help your ministry and a donation is forthcoming: We love you! Keep up the good work! 5/17/17 Unknown Location After almost 40 years, I read the bible from an entirely different perspective. I am now listening to your broadcast about the 'feelings of God'. That is an eye opener for me! So thank you again for explaining the scriptures sooooo clearly! 5/10/17 New York I listened to Hebrew message 9. Brought me to tears. Thank you Aaron. 5/05/17 McKinney, TX I find your teachings very refreshing, and appreciate the cultural and linguistic background you provide. That context helps me better understand how the original hearers would have interpreted the text. I've been listening to you for a few months on KLTT in Denver while driving home from work. Of course I don't always get the whole teachings on the radio, so I will download some of your series (Sermon on the Mount, Forgiveness, etc.). While listening at home I will have pen and notebook ready, as you provide much to think about and apply in my daily life. Thank you for your excellent service for the Lord! 5/4/17 Denver, CO I do not believe this was an accident. I want to tell you that I had so much joy listening to you, because I have talked to the Lord many times about this subject and about the instructions in Deuteronomy 14 and wondered why no one has ever taught on it! It was only lesson one but I went and found the entire series on your site that day and listened to it. You gave the confirmation to me for things I was told to do about 7 years ago (stop tithing as Christian Church teaches it). I am very thankful to you for being obedient. You have a way of teaching that provokes thought and study, and I could ask many questions of you but that is not the purpose of this email. I simply wanted to thank you. 5/4/17 Orlando, FL Thank you for your message. I have greatly enjoyed your programs, and have been listening to your podcast since late February. I found Living God Ministries by doing a search on Hebrews on the iTunes Store. I was looking for something that went through the book, verse by verse, and your programs were very enlightening. I have since listened to several of your other programs. I have been meaning to send you an email for some time to tell you how much I appreciate your work. You ministry is very unique. You take a strong stance for the controversial truth regarding the full grace of God. Your ministry is always filled with the Holy Spirit, yet also remains intellectually stimulating. It is hard to find ministries that combine a full message of grace with an expertise in Hebrew and the historical context of the Bible. Usually, one has to choose between one or the other. Also, the verse-by-verse programs are extremely helpful. 5/3/17 Charlottesville, VA I have been listening to your broadcasts on WDCD in the morning for the last few months. I want to say THANK YOU! I have learned soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much from your teachings. I literally can't wait for the next day. I repeat to others what you teach and they all give me that 'ah ha moment' look. Like 'yes that makes sense'. I am now listening to your broadcasts about tithing! I've only heard the first in the series, and you are spot on. So thank you again for your teachings and explaining things so clearly and historically. This email would go on and on if I expressed the revelations I received from you. But for now...thank you and God Bless! 4/27/17 New York From time to time. I listen to a "Christian " tv program. Cringe at times at how wrong they interpreted the Lord Jesus. Especially the Fruit of The Spirit message. Everything you teach makes so much sense. Thank you for the work you do 4/19/17 McKinney, TX My husband listens to you on the radio (1330 AM Portland, OR) on his way to work in the morning. He is growing in the Lord and has started to thirst for God's word. What a blessing you have been to him! Thank you for this ministry 4/17/17 Vancouver, WA I want to thank you for making your teachings available on your website. Your podcasts have opened my eyes and helped me understand God (and my bible) so much more, and I am grateful. 4/9/17 Unknown Location I know you hear this a lot, but I can't really express how grateful I am for your ministry. The message of God's will has radically changed my life and even beginning to change my families. I was just told yesterday by some religious leaders how I am not saved with my thinking and have no understanding of scripture. I was grateful for your podcast when I left that meeting because I felt like you could relate to that treatment by other Christian's. Either way, I will always pray for you and give as I will because this is life changing and important. It almost brings me to tears (and I don't cry) to hear how my brothers, mom and dad have been revealed God's grace through me (but even before that, through you). Thank you again 03/16/17 Colorado Springs, CO Ive been listening for about 2 years I think. I just caught the program on 100.7 in Dallas one night after work... I think it was one of the romans messages and I was stunned. I was amazed that someone was saying that stuff, out loud..in public. Life has definitely not been the same since! 03/09/17 Rockwall, TX I have been listening about two years. I have my spend a lot of time driving in the course of my business so I am fortunate to be able to listen to a lot of different christian programs. In my relationship with God, He has used your program to reveal to me the newness of life and the fact that the whole creation reflects his power and personal interest in each one of us. My own experience can only be described as His pouring out of His spirit. His forgiveness and Grace is sufficient and my burden is light. I have been a Drug and Alcohol counselor for 20 years so I am grateful to be able to interact with a lot of people who are experiencing problems and are plagued with self-condemnation especially christians. 3/10/17 Spring Valley, CA I am an avid listener to Christian radio (WDCD THE LIGHT, 96.7 Albany, NY) and most recently began hearing Aaron Budjen on my way to work at 7 am. I have found his insights to be so relevant and spoken in a way I have not heard the truth spoken before. Recently the Lord and I have been communicating regarding my lack of complete trust, my doubt, questionable forgiveness, my critical spirit, and my need of pleasing people. Yesterday He spoke to me through Joyce Meyer, this morning through June Hunt, this afternoon through my 99 year young Lutheran friend, Dutch, and unexpectedly tonight as I waited for my son at 9:30/10:00 pm in Saratoga through Aaron on the radio again. (You're not even listed for that time slot!) My joys never cease as God in His divine mercy speaks to me, but tonight I received an EXTRA SPECIAL GIFT OF REVELATION! I have been set free! While I have questioned what this was and how it must feel, I never knew what I was missing. But now, thanks to Pastor Aaron, he explained it in a way that reached the core of my being. I had never believed that Jesus took away ALL of my sin as I remained under such condemnation - but never knew why. I'm a (young) sixty year old woman and have had a relationship with Jesus since being young. (What took me so long??) Today, because of Pastor Aaron, I have been set free! Jesus died for ME and I am COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY FORGIVEN FOR ALL MY SIN, past, present and future! I received God's forgiveness. You are right, there was a part of me I was keeping that was ok and I was trying to be perfect but failing. What a bind I've been living in! I've tried so hard to understand the scripture and finally the Lord told me in a way I could see myself as I truly was. He is God. I am the sinner. He saved me and I did nothing good enough. But God loves me and always has unconditionally. What freedom this is! I could not go to bed without saying thank you to Aaron Budjen for speaking this truth to me in a clear way that made me realize I was being a Pharisee under the law and living a lie. In my head I knew so much, but tonight it's forever in my heart. I understand that my sins came from my need for love, but now I know that I am truly loved. Now I can live like the me He created me to be, through Jesus Christ my Savior. THIS IS AWESOME! I am so blessed! I am looking forward to all the changes I and others will experience because of what God did and how Pastor Aaron told me. God bless you, may His face shine upon you, be gracious to you, lift his countenance on you, and give you His everlasting Peace, who is Christ Himself. 2/3/17 Saratoga Springs, NY I just finished the series on Forgiveness, wow and thank you for that. I have also shared and directed a close friend to it and he is being freed by your message. So again thank you for that. I know you can appreciate what the message of truth is doing and I as share it with people is there a chronology that is "better" or more effective for folks? I'm not quite sure how I can describe the freedom that truly results from the truth. I now understand where the hunger for the word comes from. I now understand how I am free to run. I am not bogged down by dogma and religiosity. The truth has truly set me free. Please let me know the best ways to help support your ministry. Thank God for his mercy and grace. 1/29/17 Mechanicville, NY I first listened to your broadcast about three months ago at what appears to be a critical moment in my relationship with God. After struggling to live a life pleasing to God for some thirty eight years, and never being able to maintain a clear conscience before God, yet never doubting his forgiveness, I finally fell on my knees and tearfully told God that I was not experiencing the joy promised by the Holy Spirit. My life had been one of tentative peace with God according to the degree I was able to abstain from sin, and a constant having to pray to God to rid me of the burden of guilt. Had it not been for certain scriptures such as “men ought always to pray and not to lose heart,” I might have surrendered to hopelessness a long time ago. But about three months ago, I just told God that I did not have joy, etc. I believe it was on that day turned to the exit and support network, and discovered a referral to your broadcast. I listened to your explanation that we were created to have a relationship with our creator, and not necessarily to live a sinless life, which is entirely impossible. Well, it is, after all, your broadcasts, so you are entirely familiar with their contents. Suffice it say, I listened, I believed and began to experience the the peace and the joy that had eluded me all of my life. True, it is, that the more familiar I became with the law, the more sin stirred up in me. I used to fast and pray to be able to set aside my sin, and almost immediately after the conclusion of prayer and fasting I would return to the same behavior. But through you I have a new understanding of what my relationship with God is to be. As a result I have a greater understanding of the love of Almighty God, and a more firm assurance that the function of His Son Jesus is to save me through a relationship of trust. All my life I’ve heard the cry in my ear, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved...,” but I never really accepted it. I had believed that, that plus something else was required. Now I believe as a result of listening to your broadcast. I’ve seen the humanity of the Patriarchs, and somehow believed that God favored them in a way that he would never favor me. Now I understand that God’s grace was upon them, not because of their righteous lives, but in spite of their humanity; and that these things were written for our example. 1/22/17 Bronx, NY I discovered your ministry some months ago and your bold presentation of God's grace and love has been living water to my thirsty soul! Although I've been a believer for over 30 years, I am hearing from you some truths about how God wants to relate to us I never knew. How thankful I am to know Him more and that He will continue to reveal Himself to me as I trust Him. And how wonderful to know that His love, approval, and acceptance of me is unchanging and steadfast. 1/19/17 Sacramento, CA I was introduced to your message about two weeks ago and have listened up to the camel and the needle message. I have had so many of my conflicts with, for lack of a better word, conventional teachings, resolved and many more of my questions have been answered and some of my own thoughts on subjects clarified. I feel more free today than before, and I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior over 12 years ago. Thank you for your clear and concise explanations and thoughtful analysis of the scriptures. I truly am grateful for the work you are doing. 1/15/17 Mechanicville, NY I have been listening to the programs for 6 or 7 months. Through these programs, and your explanations, I now have come to know who The Living God is. His love for me, his forgiveness, and acceptance. Who would of though after 40-50 years in the so called church. I realize that this is just a start, but with many more years to know Him more. I know it is real as the Lord came to me in a vision, with the words, "I give you my peace." Now with the Spirit of God within me, life has different meaning and purpose.Thank you so much for your words of truth. 1/12/17 Carlsbad, CA I am very grateful to have found your ministry and your teaching. I began listening to your radio broadcast in mid 2016 on my drive home from San Francisco to the East Bay twice a week. I can't remember the first LGM program I heard, but I do recall a shift in my understanding of God's forgiveness and salvation, and an eagerness to learn more. Since then, I have been downloading and listening to your podcasts on my cell phone. Your teaching has brought a tremendous amount of freedom and peace to me, as I am learning to trust and rest in the complete forgiveness of my sins and salvation through the restoration of His Spirit. I finally feel like I have a firm foundation and can draw close to my God. Now, instead of reading my Bible and feeling ashamed and frustrated and condemned, I feel grateful and loved and blessed. I have shared LGM with several people, one being my sister who now listens regularly as well. 1/10/17 Fairfield, CA I have been actively reading the bible, participating in bible studies, and listening to christian radio for over 20 years. I’ve listened to many of the big names and studied the Kay Arthur inductive approach, but your ministry has been life changing for me. The simple truths that you continueally remind the listener of… the loss of the Holy Spririt with Adam and the restoration with Jesus, along with the stick and the carrot teachings and approach have helped me to correct my own thinking . It has simplied my christian life and freed me from false teaching, it’s helped many of my family and friends as well. I value the historical perspective you teach and could say so much more. What I share with family and friends is that your ministry will “disciple” you. That it is well thought out and you can systematically go through the program. That it has an end and I don’t feel like there is another book to buy. 1/10/17 Danville, CA I'm one of those people who was stuck in the cycle of sin, begging Jesus to forgive me, trying my best to do better and love Him more, and failing again. Because of this I spent decades doubting my salvation. One day I heard you explain that God sent Jesus so He could be INSIDE us, not just to get us into heaven, and that because even our future sins are already forgiven nothing can make His Spirit leave us, and it changed my life. It felt like God was speaking directly to me. I realized I no longer have to beg for forgiveness over and over again! Oh the freedom of living in Grace! Thank you so much for allowing our Lord to use you. 12/30/16 Modesto, CA I have for years watched Christian tv. But never have been blessed with the peace your teachings have provided to me. It is amazing to me when you describe Christian's who feel like they are missing something that was me. I would watch hours of preachers daily trying to figure out what i needed to do differently to get this "Peace" they were talking about. Then as you described I walked away. But on the occasions I left work late I would listen to your programs because you weren't teaching what I was used to. And the rest is history. Thank you for helping me begin my new walk in Christ Jesus. I have a long way to go but. At least now I have hope. 12/21/16 McKinney, TX Last week I asked a question about Christian communities And since that question God has revealed more to me which has increased my maturity Since that question I realized I thought I was better than those that viewed God like a rich uncle and asked him for things of the flesh. But as I was asking for answers to some spiritual questions the Holy Spirit revealed I was doing the same thing Then as I was reading a book by a theologian and doctor I noticed the author was still bound by living in obedience and repentance and it dawned on me, or God revealed to me, that me understanding the Gospel now and knowing to rest in His forgiveness and the freedom it has given me and I know enjoy a active and evolving relationship with God is something that many may never know So now if God doesn't reveal anything else to me I am truly grateful for what he has revealed to me so far. Then I listened to your series on Gods expectations and it solidified that and your broadcast on where 2 and 3 are gathered answered my question on Christian communities Aaron I just want to reaffirm to you. The world that God is using you for is truly helping some to achieve a relationship with God that they didn't know was possible. Thank you 12/18/16 Paramount, CA One of my friends heard you on the radio here in the Bay Area, and asked me to listen to your teachings on the Sabbath. I found your YouTube videos on the Sabbath and then found your website. I have been listening to your series on Forgiveness and Keeping the Commandments. Just want to express my deepest gratitude for all the work that you've put into your teachings. They truly are unlike most everything I've heard before and they have been helping me come to terms with deep feelings of inadequacy that I have been feeling for a very long time as a Christian. Thank you and God bless your labor. 12/9/16 Central California I hope that all Christians have the opportunity to read or hear your amazing teachings through the radio archive. What a blessing it is to come to rest in the love and acceptance and complete forgiveness that our Living God has given each of us! I very much look forward to seeing your work continue and the radio archive expanded. Your ministry is touching lives on a global scale because you are speaking the truth! You have a gift for laying the foundation of what and WHY Jesus taught the way that he did. You bring tremendous insight to the listeners regarding the way things were back when Jesus was alive before during and after His crucifixion that brings clarity to what used to be difficult to understand. 12/5/16 Santa Clara, CA Hey Aaron, just wanted to drop you a line and say thanks for being a true ambassador for the gospel. I have been in church most of my life and realized after a while that stances on topics I had always taken were founded on what others have always told me to believe. I am thankful you were there to help me break through that weakness. Long story about how I came to hear about you but, nonetheless, God was involved completely. 11/25/16 unknown city, Illinois I first heard you on 100.7 “The Word” in Fort Worth, TX teaching through the book of Romans and your perspective on what Paul wrote blew my mind. At first I was wondering if we read the same bible, but when I considered your points of view and the context as presented I prayed about it and dug deeper into the Bible. Before I go further I wanted to provide some background of where I’m coming from. I had been trying hard for several years and praying to God to know Him more. I am involved in a men's small group through the Baptist church my family and I attend and I constantly consume the Bible, and my wife and I teach in Sunday school to first and second graders. I have in the past five years participated in church several times a week and encouraged others to do so at the time, but for the most part I have become burnt out on the expectations of working full time and having a family in addition to these perceived, additional obligations. I came back to church after being away from it for over a decade. I accepted Christ as a teenager but received and did not pursue any discipleship whatsoever at the time. What brought me back to church was dealing with a divorce I did not want, where my ex-wife left me and as you can imagine I was wanting to change my life. I had become very cynical and my heart was destroyed by the circumstances and my own emptiness. I was encouraged by my siblings to pursue Church and a different lifestyle. Through the pursuit of this I have experienced significant changes in my life and I appreciate that, but these changes did not resolve the love, acceptance, meaning, and purpose I need that now I know only God can give. I found after beginning to listen to your radio ministry that I did not even really know what the Gospel is. I knew I was forgiven but the answer to that question (What is the Gospel?) to me, as with many others, was quite open ended. By prayer God answered so many of my questions and concerns through your ministry. To name a few are the subjects of forgiveness, repentance and obedience, tithing, and faith and works. Your clear instruction from the Bible with much needed context have really helped me with these issues and allowed me to grow and trust my God in new and profound ways where I can say now more than ever that I live by faith justified by Christ alone. I want to say thank you for the endless hours you have spent for others to better understand the Bible and the Person it speaks of. Thank you for your honesty and openness. I am just one of many who now can communicate the Gospel and encourage others to be set free from the bondage of this world and religion so that they may know the Living God. Thank you for expressing the complete forgiveness that Jesus died for and the Life He has given freely to us that willingly receive it. I am thankful for the opportunities God gives me to share what He has done for all of us with others and I take time to share your radio ministry with them and most of all to encourage them to seek to know their God. I reflect on what Paul said to the Thessalonians (I Thessalonians 1:2-5) when thinking of your ministry. The example you set truly has shown me in a new way what the work of faith, the labor of love, and the patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ can mean to others who are seeking to know their God in a real, meaningful way. I have studied all your programs and continue to review portions along with my normal Bible studying and I will continue to share your ministry with others. Most of all though, whether you produce another program or not I personally wanted to let you know that my life has been changed by the grace and mercy of God and your participation in His ministry is a key part of that. I am thankful for what I have received and I will continue to share it freely with others. I also look forward to what He will reveal to me and rejoice in what He already has shown me. My best wishes to you and your family and I hope in the future to hear from you for the mutual encouragement and the opportunity of fellowship that is available. 11/21/16 Fort Worth, TX This is just to let you know how much I appreciate your ministry. No need for a reply. Your message today, November 18, 2016, on KCBC, was so empowering to me. The message in which you talk about how the doctrine of grace, or the person of Christ, has to compete with a multitude of other topics. You're exactly right. What you said about how Christians are so mean also got my complete agreement. Though I couldn't quite get to listen to your entire broadcast, I listened as if you're expressing my very own heart. I just completed an article using the title of a book very well known in Christian circle: Imitation of Christ, to show that there is no way we can imitate Christ, and at times I began to doubt myself that maybe I was overly critical, but your message gave me much strength, as your message is so rare in whatever medium of communication is available today, and here I was listening to it like a breath of fresh air, an anchor point in a sea of confusing messages. Then I got my strength and courage back, and know that what I wrote won't be in vain. Keep sending those wonderful messages. 11/19/16 San Francisco, CA Thank you again, I appreciate your time and obedience to the Lord to dedicate your time to put out through the "net" all of this fantastic knowledge and instructions. It clarified far more than what I can express in words, your explanations are like a cement that has come in through the crevices of my heart and has filled all sorts of empty spaces inside of me , and fitted all throughout these empty spaces and started to affirm, and strongly hold walls of "assurance and Spiritual strength" within my heart and soul.... WOW ! How wonderful to have the Lord use you in this way, you are helping clear up and feed correctly so many, many souls in a new and correct way! I praise the Lord for using you in this fashion. 11/17/16 Winter Park, FL I live in Central Georgia and I have listened to all subjects on the archives and now am about to finish up Romans in the verse by verse section. I am a regular contributor because I believe the truth must be supported. I hope you can understand that when I listen to your teaching the spirit in me is in complete agreement! I thank God for allowing me to hear your messages and now I'm truly learning what a friend I have in our God. I wish you had a radio station here, oh well I do have the archives. Thank you! 11/8/16 Milledgeville, GA A quick note to say how GRATEFUL my wife and I are for your incredible ministry. We thank God daily for your radio teachings that has been a tremendous "grounding" tool in so many areas of our faith! We are telling all our friends and family about your radio broadcast teachings and they couldn't be more timely! Thank you so much-- and may your ministry continue to grow and touch many more lives! 11/08/16 California I believe, I would qualify as a committed Christian. I have been in bible studies for more than 30 years. The last couple of years I have been reading through the Chronological bible and faithfully start my morning in the Word. Your teaching however has been very informative. You provide detail from a Jewish perspective related to culture and history which is invaluable in regards to enriching ones understanding. I have now on multiple occasions shared some of your insight in my men's study. Frequently my piers have been exposed to similar teaching, logic and material as I. That is why your teaching is so refreshing and rich. I hope in the future to start supporting your ministry. Your teaching certainly warrants it. God has made you a blessing to many people. I have no doubt you have and will continue to impact many people adding to the number of believers in God's family. I felt compelled to share my appreciation, 11/03/16 Unknown Location I thank God for your work...it has had the most significant impact on me in coming to know the living God,,,I've grown up in the church and wish I knew then what I know now... ...Again, I'm so thankful for your work-I consider myself truly free from the bonds of religion but burdened like never before for the church. 11/03/16 Colorado After listening to my pastor's sermon last Sunday on Romans 12:2, "Do not conform to the patterns of this world ...," I set out to write another rebuttal. As usual I'd research from various sources to build my argument, and to make sure that I'm not making any false assumptions about what people generally think concerning this subject, I began to look through various major commentaries, and sure enough, they pretty much reflect what I heard since I became a Christian from my own church's pulpit. Having been satisfied that my assumption held true, I refreshed my memory with another quick read of Romans to get back to the flow of reasoning given by Paul, then suddenly I remembered you and went to your website to listen to your message on this well known but often misinterpreted and misapplied verse. And sure enough, after listening to just a few introductory sentences I knew exactly we are kindred spirit in this matter, and you have greatly helped me formulate my argument in this writing. I will make sure to refer folks to your wonderful exposition on this passage. Thank you for making my day, 10/27/16 San Francisco, CA I have been listening to your messages online since couple months ago I accidentally heard your program on radio station here in Dallas TX. I found your teaching biblical and logical. It's not what I hear from my church on Sundays, but it's the message of the Gospel when I was first introduced to about 15 years ago and said yes to. After all these years of being a christian, now I find myself have to unlearn alot of the things I have been taught, and start from the foundation, which is in Christ alone, through faith alone, not by good works. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your message, keep on preaching the good news of Jesus! Dallas, TX 10/21/16 I have been listening to your program for about 4 months. It has resonated with me every program. I am so very grateful to God that He has enabled you to teach and broadcast over the airwaves. I have been a Christian for 40 years. I was involved in a legalistic Reformed Baptist church for 20 years. God in His great mercy took our family out of that system. It has been a journey of great healing. I so appreciate the historical background you bring to each message. I have told my friends about your program in hopes that they too will experience the freedom from bondage of a "system of religion". Sacramento, CA ... We now use your teachings along with our bibles and my sisters and brother-in-law and mom are seeing God in the very real, personal, living God we are meant to see Him. The history you provide is invaluable and deepens the meaning of what we read-and it is teaching us to read God’s word in a more thoughtful way. Words are not enough to express how grateful we are that God has called you to this ministry and that you have chosen to answer it. Orangevale, CA I've listened to every one of your programs and many twice. I really am appreciating learning from you particularly 1) because of your clear and concise way of explaining important things, such as the gospel and salvation, and 2) because of the context you provide that really fills out the picture, such as in the trial of Jesus. About a year or so ago I began a project to build a more complete understanding of everything. I'm currently reading James Perloff's Truth is a Lonely Warrior. I agree with his description; it's like a big picture puzzle. I find a piece that fits a few other pieces and after a while I start to get an idea of what that part of the puzzle looks like. After I get so many pieces to fit, it becomes clear what shape the missing pieces must be and what pieces just don't belong. Your programs, Aaron, have really given me a lot of pieces... so many that I can readily see what doesn't belong. I still have much more work to do as I fill in the other corners of the puzzle, but certainly the picture of my relationship with God is clear thanks to you! I'm certainly hopeful, Aaron, that you continue with your work. I'm sure there are some days that bring frustration. Just know that you have no idea how wide and how deep your work is affecting people. Nampa, ID I hope you are doing well. I started listening to you on the radio in California. What an eye opener! It has been a great blessing in my life. I used to dislike myself because I couldn't be a "good child of God" Although I believed that Jesus had died for our sins, I couldn't grasp the idea of his everlasting forgiveness. I felt ashamed because I kept sinning after I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior and after I got baptized. I felt that He was ashamed of me for not being a perfect Christian. How could God love me if I kept failing? I felt frustrated and angry and unconsciously was starting to take it out on people. Now that I begin to understand the deep love God has for us and the Law vs. God's mercy, I want to share that with others - while there is still time. Knowing that He loves me and His Holy Spirit governs my life, He helps me be a better happier person resting in His mercy. I couldn't do that on my own. We owe it all to Him and we depend on Him. His love is amazing! unknown city, CA I have been listening to Aaron's teaching for several months now and, along w/ my wife, have found a totally new way of looking at the issue of forgiveness of sins and, as a consequence, our relationship w/ our God & Saviour, Jesus. Listening intently now to his series on the book of Acts & finding it to be attitude (and very likely, life) changing. Especially today (chap. 17) wherein Aaron so beautifully described the notion of ministry in the modern church, and his amazingly logical solution to it. Can't tell you how much his teaching has meant to me in my walk. Simply, and amazingly, transformative! Rancho Cordova, CA Just wanted to say, Thanks! I love your programs and have learned so much that I just had to take a moment to tell you. It's like a light came on. Reading scripture is more enjoyable than ever. I'm even starting to see more human errors of interpretation on various websites. I, myself, had come to the realization that I just couldn't stop sinning no matter how heard I tried. I was frustrated and couldn't understand what I was missing. I prayed about it and stumbled upon your broadcasts on iTunes. When you spoke about forgiveness and the restoration of the Holy Spirit, I finally felt the peace I needed to grow closer to God. Sir, I can't thank you enough, nor can I control this desire to share with others. God is certainly working "within and through you" and I'm happy to say that today, I'm enjoying my inheritance and waiting to see where the Lord wants to take me next. You probably get a million of these and I'm confident you already know this, but your work is much appreciated. Thank you for teaching people like me that needed a little bit more understanding of certain parts of scripture. I feel fortunate to have come across your teachings and am now even more impressed by God's love for us. It's pretty amazing to see for the first time, so clearly, how perfect God's plan was to bring us back to Him thereby defeating the adversary. Amazing. Just amazing! That's all I wanted to say. I will be sending you a gift of appreciation because I would love to be a part of ensuring that people just like me have the opportunity to learn and grow in God's word with a little help from your insight and teachings. What you do matters, and I know you know that. I can really tell your heart is in it. Unknown Location I became "hooked" to your website after following the link in an article about the subject of law and grace which I was reading online. That was a month ago and since then I became "addicted to your audio messages for they gave me a clearer understanding of the erroneous teachings of many Church of God groups. I have listened to your serries on Tithing and I fully agree with your that many of the offshots of the Worldwide Church of God exist for the money which they could extract from their members. I am a victim of religious extortion and your Tithing serries had opened my eyes to the truth. For this I am very grateful to you and, most of all, to God. for leading me to the truth. I have downloaded a number of your braodcast stored in your radio archive and I intend to download all for my personal studies as well as for our family bible studies. I also intend to "burn" them into CDs and distribute them to some brethren in the Church of God of which I was once a member. I now make it a point to listen to at least one broadcast before I start my day. Davao City, Philippines I first heard you about five months ago on my radio, KCBC 770 in the Sacramento Valley. The truth you helped my God reveal to me was overwhelming…and still is at times. The freedom I now have has begun a change in my life, I now know better who I am and what I'm doing. Orangevale, CA I would to thank you for your ministry. I listen to your message everyday on the radio during my commute from the valley to Bay Area. I find that your teaching is very clear and insightful. I learned a lot from your ministry especially on the subject of the Gospel with regard to forgiveness and the resurrection of life (the Holy Spirit). Central California I feel the need, or directive, whichever you choose, to write and encourage you in your ministry. It has been wonderfully enlightening giving a greater understanding and meaning to what was somewhat lacking in my study of the scriptures. Many years ago as I was struggling to understand why I was experiencing certain things in my life, The words that came to me were these, "Do not let your physical circumstances determine your spiritual posture." I have tried to remember that admonition since that day. Your teaching is sure to get the attention of the enemy, and whatever he can bring to bear upon your ministry. I have been familiar with your ministry for less than a year. I began somewhat reluctantly listening, but it has only taken a short time to come the point of receiving with eager anticipation your teachings. I believe the Lord has anointed you shed light on scripture by way of the Holy Spirit that lays to rest some of the traditional teachings from those with a traditional and legalistic religious mind set. Unknown Location God led me to your website. At the beginning, I were shocked by the message. Now I am free and I rest in God. Thank God use you! May God unfold His truth daily! Longmont, CO I’ve been listening to your series on the Sermon on the Mount. I just completed the final program today and simply felt the need to share. I’ve listened to this series once before a couple years back, but this second run through stood out. In the last half of the final program, you discuss this idea of Jesus speaking as one who had authority, and not as the people’s scribes…to which the people were amazed. My family started attending BGF 4 or 5 years ago and since then my faith journey has changed dramatically. I’ve been trying to hold your teachings suspect…testing them to see if this really makes sense and really is truth. For the longest time, whenever I would talk to friends about these newfound interpretations of the gospel, grace, etc. I would always feel the need to preface the conversation with something like, “I’ve been attending this small little church back home led by this guy Aaron Budjen...” and go on to explain a bit about you. It always sort of felt like my credibility was sort of shot from the get-go because I didn’t feel confident to speak about this material as anything more than “something I had heard.” However, just last night I was walking home from the gym and in what seemed like random fashion, my mind just started thinking through the story of mankind. From way back at the garden, to the cross, to modern day. I have never had such a clear and comprehensive understanding of God’s vision for mankind since the very beginning. I am convinced that last night, God spoke to me. And I don’t say that lightly because I can’t even name another time when I felt sure of this. He confirmed in my heart many of the things I’ve been learning over the last few years through this revelation about His story for mankind, in which everything sort of fit together and made sense in the context of grace as you teach it. I felt so at peace and so confident that these new ideas I’ve been learning over the last few years really DO make sense, and really DO fit logically into God’s story. Then, as I sat here today listening to the final program in the Sermon series while eating my lunch, I heard you talk about this idea of speaking on one’s own authority, in the context of what God has confirmed in their spirit; NOT in the context of what one’s pastor has said. I finally feel I can go forward in life speaking confidently about this stuff because it is no longer just something I have heard…it is what I believe in my heart. No other explanation I’ve run across makes as much sense or helps me understand the depth of my God’s love for me in a deeper way. Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you, Aaron. Thanks for your honesty and sincerity, even to the point of admitting when there are things you just don’t know about or that God hasn’t revealed to you. This really does add so much more credibility to the things that you DO say. Your willingness to teach truth, despite the consequences – and I know there have been many – has been the instigating factor behind a beautiful change in my life. I am excited to see where this newfound understanding of my God and relationship with Him leads me. 09/14/16 Denver, CO ... I realized everything I believed was based on what I was taught by other people and that I had never studed God's word myself to make my beliefs what I myself really believed. Hope you understand what I am trying to say. In my heart I believed that you didn't need to be babtized but when someone with all these seminary degrees and has been preaching for years tells you that you do it did make me stop and think. I still got papers I printed off several inches thick of what I know now was just theological gymnastics. So I gave you a chance and I knew straight away after listening a short time and listening to the first couple of segments over that first night that your message was WAY different than anything I had come across so far. I will admit I took a while to comprehend what you were trying to convey. Thank God he spoke to my heart that day and let me know that you were speaking the truth. So some 5 months later and to my knowledge have truthfully listed to every audio file on your site. I am also resting in God and thankful for what he has done for me for the first time ever in my life. I do also realize of course now that it wasn't by chance I found your website but God's intervention giving me what I needed when he knew I was ready. 9/14/16 Bethany, IL Hi Aaron, l have been listening to your archived ministry for about 3 months now and have almost listened to all of your programs. What clarification and understanding you bring to God's word. I have matured in my faith in these three months way beyond where l have been in my faith for most of my 60 year life since l was 12 years old and confirmed at St. Marks episcopal church. Wow. Now l live in the newness of life and rest in thankfulness in what Christ Jesus has done once and for all. 9/14/16 Santa Clara, CA I was beliveing a lie so long i really like your programs i have been set free.im so happy thanks 08/22/16 Colorado Springs, CO Again, I don't know if I was able to properly articulate how much the Lord has used your work in causing a change in me, but I wanted you to know that the truth you speak, has resonated with me on a personal level, such that, a freedom has now been placed in my heart, while simultaneously breaking the bonds that have been crippling my walk with Christ for many years! I can only encourage you to keep the good fight, trusting that your labors are not in vain, but are truly causing an awakening in the body of Christ! 08/21/16 Lynnwood, WA I’ve been listening for less than 6 months. I’ve never learned so much in such a short amount of time - it’s very exciting. I can’t tell you how much your broadcasts are appreciated. 08/18/16 Highlands Ranch, CO Found you on KBRT turned on the radio one evening when I had to go out.So have been listening for a Month. You were talking about Forgiveness know this was no accident that I was hearing your broadcast but a divine appointment so much of what I have come to understand through the years but could not express to others because of different church views was coming out of your mouth I was driving and started to cry realizing and rejoicing that God had just brought confirmation to my heart can't fully express the Joy your ministry has brought to me as I am listening and re listening to that which the Holy Spirit has given to you. May you be strengthened as he uses you "for such a time as this" 08/12/16 Temecula, CA Listening more and more frequently for a few months...but daily now. Then I ventured to your website site and started to download your talks. My wife and I are in our 60's, and it's been 7 years since we picked up the bible... and haven't put it down yet (daily : ). We also been listening to "Christian" radio for everyday of those 7 years... and I can't begin to tell you how refreshing it is to listen to a different (yet biblically correct) perspective on the bible in today's world. 08/12/16 Freedom, CA I heard you on the radio in the car the other day and was screaming, "Yes, Yes!" all the way home then went and looked you up on the internet. I'm very glad to have discovered you and will listen to whatever you have online too. I grew up in what some are calling a cult, but at this point I think I will just say a very unhealthy Christian organization/Missionary Training Center/Commune/Church that emphasized holiness...personal holiness, that is. To say holiness was emphasized is really not enough of an emphasis. The tool that was used to achieve a near-sinless state (to please God) was "Death to Self" teaching. We were to die to everything we desired, hoped for, loved, etc. I've only recently begun to understand the two Covenants, what the difference is between them, and that the New Covenant replaces the Old (it isn't an Addendum). But, once in a great while, I hear the actual "good news," and it really is, isn't it? Anyway, I think it is much better news than, "You better shape up!" You spell it out very clearly. Thank you very much for teaching the gospel. Listening to you has brought me to tears of relief. 08/12/16 Morongo Valley, CA After listening to your broadcasts, I find that my head and my heart derive so much glorious clarity. Your teachings open up the Scriptures so that I look for the main points in a different way - that is, how they help me to know my God through total trust in His word and call, versus the subtlety of sinful rules and regulations. I love the freedom in Christ along with His acceptance of, and love for and to me. 08/11/16 Pasadena, CA I praise the Lord for allowing me to find you. I've been listening to your teaching on forgiveness and been overcome with joy. I am a Christian who has believed salvation is forgiveness and to continue to confess my sins. Thank you teaching the truth and setting me free. 08/02/16 Sacramento, CA Your impact on Christian radio is impressive. I smile when I hear Pastors including your insights into their messages. These are people who I have listened to for years and am hearing things for the first time from them. Its obvious you are teaching the teachers as well as the general population. A few appear to be picking up on your message about the tithe. A well known Pastor answered a callers question about "paying her tithes" and he told her the truth. 07/23/16 Pueblo, CO I only discovered you about 3 months ago and have drank in almost every archived program you have. No, wait, I have. My wife thinks it's a bit much, but it was very much needed at this time in my life. I am now taking a little break to appreciate more the actual presence of my active God and learning to listen to His Spirit. He is! And I am ever grateful for your encouragement to walk in my freedom in Christ and not be bound by the Law, but to enjoy by believing what He has done for me and all that I have in Christ including the inheritance. It is immeasurable what He has for us and I am anticipating many great things as I continue learning to walk and mature with Him. I met the Lord nearly 47 years ago and embraced grace then with all kinds of twists and turns and confusion by what I call "churchianity" since then. There is no going back. Your teaching is filling in a lot areas that I've intuitively known by His Spirit and am being further affirmed in my faith in Christ. 07/18/16 Colorado Springs, CO I would like to express my greatest thanks to you for your ministry. Listen to your radio archive lessons every week. You answer the question why the scriptures lead to witness the Father of everlasting life. It is a wonderful encouragement for me. May God richly bless you. 07/10/16 Clarksville, VA Thank you Aaron for all the work you are doing. So grateful for the clear foundation and growth that you so clearly communicate. I feel like a sponge with infinite absorption ?? Learning so much..........and sharing/caring for others around me. 7/6/16 Melbourne, Australia Thanks Aaron so much for your ministry! You have been a blessing to me and my husband in helping us understand the New Covenant. The Bible makes so much more sense to us. It’s WOW! We don’t get you on radio, but we listen to your archives! God bless you!!!! 7/6/16 Veneta, OR I have been listening to your program series on forgiveness. concerning your telling the truth to people about their sins being completely forgiven, and the fact that some may consider that a license to sin, i just want to encourage you that you are doing what the lord wants you to do, and what your hearers do with that truth is then their responsibility. thank you very much that you are telling people that very important truth which sets them free. 07/04/16 Yuba City, CA As I sat in prayer this morning with my Heavenly Father, I reflected on the level of peace that I have now in my life and my relationship with God. It was not until *** introduced me to you and your teachings that I was finally able to resolve the lifelong conflict that I had within me because what I had been taught about God and the Gospel did not make sense. When I finally heard your message about the truth of the Gospel and the true nature of sin, death, forgiveness, and salvation, everything clicked into place. My relationship with God has blossomed in a way that I never knew was possible before. So, thanks for doing what you do. I hope your message reaches many, many more like me who are yearning for God's truth! 06/30/16 United Kingdom I was listening Sunday morning when you answered my question, and I cannot thank you enough for responding and sharing your wisdom. In a span of 5 minutes you not only changed my life, you saved it. I will be forever grateful for your caring and taking time to answer my question. You have a new follower and I intend to support your ministry going forward. 06/28/16 Woodland Park, CO Many more before these ... |
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