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Living God Ministries Radio ArchiveThank you for visiting the radio broadcast archive of Living God Ministries. These programs, and many others have been produced, thanks to the prayers and contributions of people who sincerely want you to hear them. Please consider joining with us, to enable us to produce more broadcasts and materials, and to enable us to tell others about the grace of God, revealed through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you have benefited from these teachings, consider contributing to Living God Ministries so that others can benefit as you have. The audio files in this archive are posted with a reduced sound quality to allow for easier downloading. Contact us through the, Contact Us link for the audio CDs, or for the full quality MP3 audio files. This page is a complete listing of all of the radio programs I have produced up to date. There are three sections in this page. The first is the work I have done explaining the ministry of the Messiah. The programs are listed in chronological order of His ministry. The second is the work I have done on our life in Christ Jesus, the Messiah. The third is the verse by verse studies I have been able to record.Section 1 of 3: The Ministry of the MessiahWhen a person first begins to read through the Gospels, there are many things that are difficult to understand. Many assumptions were made by the authors when recording the events that took place and the truths that Jesus presented when He taught. These assumptions are cultural, historical and religious in nature. To fully appreciate what was recorded, it is necessary to understand the foundations established in the Old Testament and the beliefs of the people at the time period Jesus conducted His ministry. The genealogy of Jesus is one of the most misunderstood topics in this regard. Understanding how and why genealogies were recorded is necessary to fully appreciate their purpose and meaning. The two genealogies were not recorded to be a contradiction. They were both recorded by Mathew and Luke for important reasons that address several issues regarding the fulfillment of prophecies. In this broadcast, Aaron explains why there are two different genealogies of Jesus in the Gospels.The History and Purpose of Baptism In these series of broadcasts, Aaron presents a complete explanation of the history and purpose of Baptism before John the Baptist. Baptism has been one of the most controversial subjects in Christianity since the establishment of the Church. Aaron explains that it has become controversial because it’s context in Israel during the time of Jesus has been ignored. In John 1:48,49 it says, "Nathanael said to Him, "How do You know me?" Jesus answered and said to him, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you." Nathanael answered Him, "Rabbi, You are the Son of God; You are the King of Israel." Obviousely, there were a few things left out in this dialogue. In this program Aaron fills in the gaps and explains why Nathanael would have responded in this way to what the Lord Jesus said.The Healing of the Jewish Leper When reading about the healing of the Jewish leper, it is easy to pass it by thinking that it was just another miracle to add to the list. In Luke 5:17, it says, "... there were some Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting there, who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea and from Jerusalem;" This was a major miracle that inspired the convergence of representatives from the entire land of Israel. In this program, Aaron explains the importance of this miracle according to the theology of the Pharisees and rabbinical authorities of that time. This program is a follow up program to The Healing of the Jewish Leper. When Jesus had the complete uninterrupted attention of representatives from the entire nation of Israel, what did He choose to do and say?When Jesus told Nicodemus that he needed to be born again, this was not a new expression to Nicodemus. According to Pharisaical Judaism, there were six different ways that a person could be born again. This is why the question was not how could a person be born again, but how could they be born again when they are old? This is an important series of programs that contributes to my ongoing work of The Ministry of the Messiah. The Samaritans were a very important part of the ministry of the Lord Jesus. The first two programs are The History of the Samaritans. The second two programs are, The Woman at the Well, who was a Samaritan. The fifth program was the parable of The Good Samaritan, and the last program is The Ten Lepers, one of which was a Samaritan. Jesus healed many people during His ministry. They were all thankful and appreciative, except for one. The man who was healed at the pool of Bethesda did not ask to be healed, and apparently did not appreciate the fact that Jesus healed him. This healing provided Jesus with an important opportunity to confront the people with His Messianic claims. These 4 programs are an important addition to the work of explaining the ministry of the Messiah. This new series is a remake of the old one. It is 6 programs on 3 CDs presenting the Sermon on the Mount from a historical and cultural frame of reference. This is definitely a unique presentation that looks at what Jesus taught, from a point of view that I have never heard anyone consider. The quality of the teaching is definitely a significant improvement over the previous programs, in addition to having better sound quality. After the official rejection of Jesus as the Messiah, Jesus went to the Gentiles. In this program, Aaron explains the implications of the Healing of the Gadarene, and the foreshadowing of the Gospel being taken to the Gentiles through the continued rejection of the Jews The Healing of the Canaanite The casting out of the demon from the Canaanite woman's daughter has long been used to describe the value or perhaps the necessity to continually make your appeal to the Lord until He responds to your request. I personally believe this was not a test of the woman or her daughter, but a test of the Lord Jesus. In this program I explain every step in the conversation between Jesus and the woman, to show that this circumstance had to do with the entire shift in his ministry after the leaders of Israel rejected Him as the Messiah. To say that you cannot put a piece of new cloth on an old one, or new wine in old wine skins was to say much more than saying you cannot mix law and grace. These were specific expressions that had deep meaning in Pharisaical Judaism. Hear this program to understand what the people heard Jesus say when He spoke of the cloth and the wine. Where Two or More are Gathered Traditionally, this is the consolation verse when you only have a handful of believers gathered together. Jesus certainly did not intend this to be the case at all. In the context that Jesus said this, He presented a dramatic paradigm shift to the subject of evangelism, the establishment of churches, and the personal involvement of the Living God. When it comes to the woman caught in adultery, I have yet to hear a sermon that does not include, "go and sin no more." While this response given by the Lord was very important, the situation had nothing to do with sinning no more, or I do not condemn you. This situation was the one time that the Pharisees challenged Jesus concerning the Mosaic Law. It took 2 programs to explain the details concerning the real issues Jesus was confronted with and why He responded to the attempted entrapment in the way He did. It was an unexpected question. Or at least it appeared to be a question. It was however a very powerful accusation, and not a defense. What did Jesus mean when He said this? This program is also important to help answer the question of what is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Blasphemy of the Holy SpiritOf all the sins that have been forgiven, this one will not be. There is great risk with this one, so how do you know if you have committed it? This is a very common question that many people have attempted to answer. In this program, I use the Scriptures to define what this sin is, and how it is impossible for a believer in Christ Jesus to commit it. To fully appreciate this program, listen to the one titled, "You are gods?" first. In Luke 16 Jesus taught the parable of the unjust steward, also known as the dishonest manager. Aaron addresses some of the common questions people ask when studying this parable. How would the steward be commended if he devalued the master's debts? Was Jesus teaching us to be dishonest to make friends with people? What is the criteria for God to trust us with the true riches? Aaron explained the standard of righteousness Jesus was teaching through this parable and why the Pharisees would be angry with what He told them. Do not do according to their Takanot In Matthew 23:2,3 Jesus said, "The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses; therefore all that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things, and do not do them.The Lord Jesus had many confrontations with the scribes and the Pharisees over what they taught. Why would He tell His disciples to now do what they say? In this program, Aaron explains the history of Pharisaical Judaism and gives a better translation from the Hebrew text of the Gospel of Matthew. The Healing of the Man Born Blind The healing of the man born blind was a very significant moment in the ministry of the Lord Jesus, and the Nation of Israel at this time. In addition to being a Messianic miracle, the polarization that resulted was a wonderful opportunity for the people to be confronted with the claims of the Lord Jesus. Describing this miracle in context of the Feast of Tabernacles, Aaron illuminates the Scriptures in a profound way in these two milestone programs. Is the conversation with the Rich Young Ruler about salvation or stewardship? While several things should be understood about these topics, Aaron explains this parable from the point of view of the Law of Moses. When you see the relationship between the laws related to blessings and cursings, you will have a clear understanding why the rich young ruler would walk away.The Parable of the Ten Virgins Is the parable of the talents about salvation or stewardship? The uncertainty is related to a poor understanding of both of these topics. However, without understanding these topics it will be difficult to see that this parable is about the stewardship of law and grace.The Examination of Jesus as the Passover Lamb The laws of Passover were not just about commemorating what God accomplished through the exodus from Egypt. They also foreshadowed how He would accomplish the exodus from the world through Jesus and the invocation of the New Covenant. Just as the passover lambs were examined for any blemish, so also Jesus was examined on the basis of truth. These programs are a study showing the fulfillment of what was foreshadowed by the laws of the examination of the passover lambs. The Lord's Supper is one of the most popular sacraments in Religion today. Aaron explains the last supper of the Lord Jesus from its proper context; the Passover. Understanding the purpose of the Passover, this subject can be looked at in a very different way. Jesus accomplished salvation through His death and resurrection, even though the religious leadership had conspired not to have Him put to death at the appointed time. They did not believe in Him as the Messiah because He was not willing to live in obedience to the laws they established that were in addition to the Law fo Moses. They conspired to murder Him because He was violating their laws. In the process of His arrest and conviction, they violated over 20 of their own laws. This study explains many very important details that are easy to miss when studying the final day of the ministry of the Messiah before His crucifixion.Accounting for the Three Days and Three Nights How do you get three days and three nights from Friday to Sunday? The answer is that you don't. In these programs, Aaron explains in detail how you can account for all three days and three nights in the Scriptures. His explanation is simple, concise and without the traditional timing gymnastics. Understanding the differences between the laws of Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and the differences between the Sabbath of the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the seventh day Sabbath, it is easy to identify all three days and three nights.Jesus, the Prophet, Priest and King This is a general series on Jesus. It is an examination of Him as a prophet, priest and king.Section 2 of 3: Our life in Christ Jesus, the MessiahWhen it comes to the subject of forgiveness, it is very common for people to associate it with atonement. Atonement is often used synonymously with forgiveness, as if they are the same. There is a very strong distinction in the Scriptures between atonement and propitiation. In these two programs, Aaron explains how atonement was used in the Old Covenant to remember sins, and propitiation was used in the New Covenant to no longer remember sins. These programs are definitive contributions to the subject of the forgiveness of our God. The subject of forgiveness is vital to the growth of a believer in the Lord Jesus. In this series of six broadcasts, Aaron explains the forgiveness we have already received through what Jesus did for us on the cross. He addresses some of the misconceptions in the most popular teachings on this subject, and ends the series with an explanation on how you can forgive others as you have already been forgiven. You would think that this is a simple question that anyone who identifies themselves as a Christian would easily be able to answer. Unfortunately, that is definitely not the case. In this radio program, Aaron gives a complete description of the Gospel. He describes not only the forgiveness of sins, but the restoration of the life of God we had lost in Adam. In many of his teachings, Aaron assumes a person has a clear understanding of that which defines us as Christians. Those who know and believe the Gospel.How Will the Grace of God Guide Us? This program is the follow up to the program describing, "What is The Gospel?" Taking things one step further, Aaron gives a clear explanation of what a believer does now that they have been saved. New belivers are often taught to pursue a set of rules, laws, a type of lifestyle, or a set of "hedges" around their life to start living for Christ. Revealing how the grace of God will transform our heart and fundamentally who we are, Aaron explains why the grace of God is sufficient for all aspects of our life. It is common for people to suggest we are in the image of God. In this broadcast, Aaron expains why we are no longer in the image of God when we are born into this world. Instead, we are in the image of what it is like not to have our God. Once we are saved, we have the privelage of reflecting what we receive from our God through our interactive relationship with Him. Aaron explains how and why this occurs so that we can be a testimony of our Creator, so that the invisible God can be manifested visibly in this World now and today. According to Proverbs 20:27, The spirit of man is the lamp of God, searching the inner depths of His heart. In this broadcast, Aaron reveals how the oil of the Holy Spirit will burn within us, to illuminate our very being, to see the inner depths of the heart of God.The Role of the Spirit of Truth When it comes to experiencing a personal relationship with another, the most important part is the mutual dialogue they share with one another. What does it mean to hear from God? How do you know if He is speaking to you? In this program, Aaron addresses this subject through testifying of his own growth in faith. The subject of prayer is a difficult one when it comes to specifics. It is a personal experience of communicating with the Living God. In these programs, Aaron addresses the subject from a general point of view, answering many common questions that people ask about prayer. A sixth program will be recorded and uploaded soon. Some of the most common questions a Christian asks have to do with seeking what God desires for them to have or do. When considering decisions such as where should a person live, or what kind of job should a person have, or should they have a relationship with one person or another, a person will appeal to their God, seeking guidance and direction. People will often ask, "what is the will of God for my life." With sincere devotion people will devote their lives to trying to discover what their God wants them to do. However, there is an entirely different way to consider the will of God for our lives. In these 4 programs, Aaron explains the will of God as a description of the inheritance we have received as a result of His death. Considering this entirely different perspective, Aaron explains how we live our daily lives with what we have received, instead of trying to live our lives with what we hope to get. This series is a significant milestone for Living God Ministries. Beginning with a presentation of Cain and Abel, Aaron uses Cain's identity crisis as an introduction to the subject. He used the example of Cain to emphasize that knowing our identity is only a first step to discovering more about our inheritance in Christ Jesus. This is an important subject that enables us to better understand some of the controversial passages in the New Testament that have to do with the subject of Law and Grace. It is not unusual for people to be told that God has expectations of them. What is unusual is for people to admit they have expectations of God. An odd codependency is promoted by many people, believing that our relationship with our God is based on the expectations we have of each other. This is a source of confusion and disappointment for many people. In the first program Aaron described the expectations that people believe God has of them, and in the second program Aaron described the expectations that people often have of God. In the third program, Aaron described a relationship between us and our God that exists on the basis of neither having expectations of the other. Take the time to listen to this valuable series.Having a Relationship with God These four programs were recorded to help people understand what it means to have a relationship with God.Does God Want First Place in Your Life? It's not unusual for people to believe that God wants first place in your life. However, there is a difference between Him having first place, and Him being your very life. Aaron explains this difference in this program.Love God More, or Be Loved by God More? Many people believe the solution to a disappointing Christian life is to love God more. In this program, Aaron explains that it is not a matter of loving God more, but a matter of being loved by God more.There are many people who believe in grace, but they believe in it as a doctrine or teaching. There is a distinct difference between a grace doctrine, and a life lived by grace. When you spend time with individuals who are wealthy or influential, do you have a tendency to treat them differently than how you treat those who are not very wealthy or influential? Knowing that God is wealthy and influential, do you relate to him on this basis, or do you really want to know Him as a person? This program addresses these questions Why is there suffering in the world? How can a loving God allow suffering to take place when He could intervene and do something about it? In this series of programs, Aaron explains this subject from a big picture persepective. He focuses on the value of allowing people to choose to do good or evil, compared to the cost. He explains the importance of personal responsibility, and how it is used by our God to better establish a relationship with His creation. In the Joy of Adam, Aaron focused on the importance of God allowing Adam to name the animals. He explained this event from a relational point of view, showing that God allowed Adam to participate in the creation through naming it, and the implications of God waiting to see what Adam would name the animals. When the Lord went to investigate the outcry from Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham had a meal with the Living God manifested in the flesh, and spoke with Him about the investigation. Through examining their conversations, I addressed many of the false assumptions people make when it comes to how our God interacts with the world He created. When I first entered the Christian world, I was very surprised to discover the amount of enthusiasm that people had for the great, “I Am.” The reason why I was so surprised, was because God did not use the past, or completed, tense when referring to Himself through the burning bush. He used the future tense. The correct translation of how God identified Himself, is to say the, “I Will Be.” He will be who He will be. The implications of this are very profound. Not because of the great investment people have made in the, “I Am,” but because of what He told us about who He is and how He relates to us. The follow up to this program is, The Name of God. What is the true name of God? What is the proper pronunciation? In this program Aaron gives a complete explanation of the 4 letter tetra-grammation. Aaron explained the purpose and intent of the word’s structure, and that a failure to understand this has led to a number of misunderstandings. This is a very important subject to many people, and this clear explanation of the subject is a wonderful introduction to the work of Aaron Budjen through Living God Ministries. This program is a follow up to the program, The God Who Will Be. When it comes to the subject of Spiritual Warfare, people are normally thinking of it as an opportunity to cast demons out of people and assert their authority over the Devil. People are looking for opportunities to pray in different ways or heal people of their diseases and injuries. These are real circumstances in life and I do recognize that many people encounter and engage our enemy in these ways. However, I sincerely believe that the predominant battle we are engaged in is the battle between the truth and the lie, and the battleground is your mind. Instead of presenting this subject from the traditional point of view, I addressed this subject in the context of law and grace. These programs are a supplement to the programs produced on Spiritual Warfare. The Scale between Law and Grace In most cases, people attempt to live a healthy well balanced life between law and grace. This means they try to live as best they can, and then rely on the grace of God to make up the difference for when they fall short. In this program, Aaron explained how this belief contradicts the Law of God, and that we need to get completely off the scale if we are going to begin to mature in our relationship with Christ Jesus. There are several common strategies, principles and techniques that people have attempted to apply to overcome their sin. None of them have worked. In this series of programs, I aggressively spoke against the most common methods, explaining the true evil a person expresses when making their attempts. In the end, I explain how the grace of God guides us in a way that we will find ourselves overcoming sin in our life as a side effect of our relationship with our God.When it comes to our daily lives, a common belief is that our God is following us around, looking for a sin He would like us to stop committing. Many believe that He will then intervene in our lives to ensure we experience pain, suffering and loss, to inspire us to stop committing that particular sin. This belief is described as the discipline of God, referring the Hebrew 12:4-13. In this program, Aaron explains this belief, and how it contradicts what we know about the Gospel. He then explained that the passage in Hebrews refers to the preparation of a future event, not the punishment for a past event. In Deuteronomy 7:9, the Lord spoke of the Old Covenant as an everlasting covenant. If the covenant is everlasting, how can we say that it does not apply to a believer in the Messiah. In this program, Aaron answers this important question. In Luke 22:15,16, Jesus said He would not eat of the Passover until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God. To say this, implies that He won't be eating the Passover for a while. If He does not, the following year, He will be in violation of the Laws of Passover the year after His resurrection. Aaron addresses this concern in this program, by explaining the implications of what Jesus said. What is the penalty for eating a bacon double cheeseburger? The one set of laws that are likely the easiest to obey are often emphasized by many as the key to being blessed by God. However, it is very unusual to find someone who knows what the penalty is for violating these laws. Regardless of the penalty or personal benefits, Aaron explains how and why the dietary laws were an integral part of the salvation we now have in the Lord Jesus. What did the Lord Jesus mean when he said, "If you love me, keep my commandments?" When people ask this question, most often this is asked to accuse someone of being a false teacher for not telling people to keep the commandments. In these two programs, Aaron gets right to the point and explains why the Lord Jesus said this. The law was a shadow of the reality that has now been revealed in Christ Jesus. These programs were re-recorded in 2013. In Romans 3:28, Paul wrote, "For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law." However, in James 2:24, James wrote, "You see that a man is justified by works, and not by faith alone." When considering these two passages in the Scriptures, many people have attempted to reconcile the apparent differences. In these programs Aaron considered the possibility that Paul and James did not agree, and referred to several other passages in the Scriptures that could support this assumption. Comparing Acts 15 and Galatians 2, Aaron explains these two passages from a fresh perspective that can give better support for the consistency of the testimony of the Scriptures. The Christian Life is often referred to as a sacrificial life or a works based way of life. In this program, Aaron compares both ways of life, and introduces a third way of life based on trust and inheritance. The gift of tongues has been one of the most controversial subjects in Christianity for the past century. A polorization has taken place between Christians with regards to this subject that has led to more division than any other teaching in the current age. Most of the arguments have to do with whether or not the gift is in operation today, or ended with the early church. I have asked a different question, "What is the gift of tongues?" Looking at this subject from the perspecitve of Judiasm in the first century, new insights are presented in these broadcasts that can bring greater clarity to this subject. Would you sign a contract that you did not understand? You probably wouldn't, but there are many people who sincerely believe that you don't have to understand the subject of the Trinity. You may not understand it, but you certainly do have to apprehend it. In other words, if you do not accept something you do not understand, you are likely at risk of going to Hell. When Aaron's presentation of the Trinity was brought up on the popular Bible Answerman program, Hank said that he definitely rejected this position because it was understandable. The following 4 programs are an understandable explanation of the subject of the Trinity. In these programs, Aaron gives a detailed presentation of the history related to the miracle of Hanukkah, and explains how God revealed Himself in the midst of the difficulties faced by the children of Israel. These programs were re-recorded in 2013 What does it mean to have a God who is our Daddy, or Father? This program is a presentation that gives a small picture of the relationship between our Father in Heaven and us as His children. Beginning with the historical foundations of society and government, Aaron presents a series of broadcasts explaining the purpose of the tithe in Israel. Expanding from the historical foundation, Aaron explains why the tithe has no application in the Church today. He addresses the two most popular passages in Scriptures that are referred to when people teach tithing, Malachi 3 and Hebrews 7. He ends the almost 3 hours of teaching on this subject with an explanation of how we are to give in light of the New Covenant that is in effect. This program is Aaron's contribution to the debate of divine healing These programs are Aaron's contribution towards the topic of depression These programs are Aaron's contribution towards the topic of divorce and remarriage This program is an overview of the challenges associated with translations of the Bible. These programs address the topic of once saved always saved. Most disagreements are a result of the different definitions of the Gospel. It is important to understand the content found in the programs, The Gospel and Forgiveness. In these four programs Aaron responds to common views people have regarding rewards in Heaven. These five programs are a presentation of the Gospel to a dual audience of a Christian and a Jew, regarding the subject of who the Messiah is. Section 3 of 3: Verse by Verse Studies in the ScripturesVerse by Verse Teaching Through the Gospel of John Verse by Verse Teaching Through the Book of Acts Verse by Verse Teaching Through the Book of Hebrews Verse by Verse Teaching Through the Book of Romans Verse by Verse Teaching Through the Book of Galatians Verse by Verse Teaching Through the Book of Ephesians |
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